Last updated 3 years ago
How do we diversify and increase participation?
To build participation we need to build trust by utilizing social media and group gatherings (online and off).
This is the total amount allocated to Social Spider Web of Decision.
To build participation we need to build trust by utilizing social media and group gatherings (online and off).
I work in healthcare.
I am an educator.
It seems that there are way too many anonymous and random people participating (or not really participating) in forwarding Cardano. We are entering an era where anonymity is no longer going to be very viable. To grow, we need to grow like a spider web in our interaction and collaboration.
A. Have you heard of 7 degrees of separation? I am always leary of interacting with anonymous people, and this is not Monero. We are trying to build the future of the world so we really need to build it as a community for the greater good.
We are all about 6 people apart from knowing each other. So let us use social media networks to our fullest advantage. We should be proud to be involved in this project and should be collaborating in more online meetups, zoom conferences, in person meetups that are local. Some sort of real identity holds people responsible for their actions. Facebook, phone number, Twitter, Meetup, Telegram, WhatsApp and Zoom groups can be very successful.
B. A buddy or Tag system. Passing the torch is very important. With the 7 degrees of separation in mind, we, as leaders, could each try to reach out to a new member and encourage participation with the goal of guiding 6 people. As a new person, the information can be quite overwhelming. Someone senior can help expedite the learning and participation process.
C. Use hard data and AI automation to the fullest advantage: Who didn't vote, who didn't participate- they get an automatic email that could be a bot that would interact with the user to provide the information to allow overcoming hurdles, and perhaps even follow up to see if they did follow through.
D. Video Message Board for proposals. Yes, reading proposals is great, but I think being able to upload your idea in video format would allow you to really get your message across.
BUDGET 15000
Social Media targeted Ad Campaigns- 5000
Sponsoring new participants (Buddy Tag System)- Reward: 1000 to the sponsors.
Metadata Analysis and creating AI Bot- 4000 (outsourced and in)
Creating a Video Message Board with integration to other current boards linked with Social Media- 5000 (outsourced and in)
3 Mos: A. Selected Ads and targets for the campaign that have not interacted. B. Have had 1 person tagged that has already interacted in the past tag 5 people over the next 3 months to do something or say something.
6. Mos: Data analasysis to see what has changed. To redirect bot and participation. Have Video board interactive with likes.
12. Mos Have had 6 meetings in real world places and 6 VR environments that are unique to building ideas.
15000I work in healthcare.
I am an educator.