Last updated 3 years ago
Climate has changed.
Biodiversity is suffering.
Topsoil reserves dwindling.
Humanity is out of sync with nature, spirit & self.
It's time to bring simple concepts about taking care of the earth to the forefront.
Healthy activities, sustainable jobs, earth renewal, etc
This is the total amount allocated to Make DApp for Worldwide Gardening!.
It's time to bring simple concepts about taking care of the earth to the forefront.
Healthy activities, sustainable jobs, earth renewal, etc
I've always been determined to help my community + nature.
But I want to take these concepts, and so much more, to a larger audience. Online
Look at my personal website for the building blocks of this grand vision.
Who am I besides the guy that wants to garden, provide for his family, and change to a better state?
I want to take altruistic, holistic, natural solutions worldwide through Decentralized App & payments via ADA, other native verifiable tokens, and any other method of honorable trade.
REQUEST: development help!
Specifically, to create a browser extension, with video clips and tipping for good deeds/planted seeds.
Utilizing cardano wallets/smart contracts thru such a DApp, I want to link Earth Polluters (carbon offsets/credits/tokens) to Earth Protectors (worldwide gardeners/tree planters/conservationists)
And essentially, we would be able to pay people to live healthy; to grow their own food, biodiversify their landscape, reconnect with nature, create climate resiliency, heal the planet, and offer a legacy of hope (seeds & seeds of change).
Healthy human economy, of benefit to all.
And with the seeds Charles' birds have been planting in Africa, this could be the altruistic clincher of assured users across the continent.
THIS is the essential thesis for why I have applied to have my project proceed in F5: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano Challenge.
Salesman (either real world person, or virtual): "Hey buddy, want to sign up for a cardano wallet? It's free. Like a savings account. AND Listen to THIS - Simply Create a Username on link your wallet address, and people from around the world are going to pay you to rehabilitate your neighbourhood, grow your own food, learn skills and earn a living."
Buddy: "I don't know… that sounds too good to be true"
Salesman (me, Andrew): "I know. Why hasn't this been done already? Well, it has. Across all of human history, people mostly lived in harmony with the land and one another. In prior times, when charity had nothing to do with currency, and everything to do with offering food, drink, and a safe place to sleep. You know iit should be a basic human right to have access to land and a chance to do these things for yourself, others, the earth and universe. This tool can help you. It's online, decentralized. You are beholden to no one but your own ambition."
Buddy (fully comprehending the nature of the universe): "Ahhh, yes. I recall it was Maharajji who said, 'To Find God, Serve Everyone. To Lift Your Spirit, Feed Everyone.'
I will vote for such a proposal; and I do enjoy growing my own food. It's therapeutic.
Andrew (fully satisfied in the conversation): "Thank you, my friend. I call it Dharma Gardening - Putting in physical effort, outside, in the real world, toward a more biodiverse nature; then, in the moment, just be one with it all, closer to God.
And well, that's my proposal to address a massive opportunity & offer decentralized solutions.
Legitimate ways to take abstract concepts about virtual currency and apply it to real world efforts.
Further, (Thank You for the Question/input: @GreBel @Newman5 and @Jakob asking for more relevant information in regards to how this proposal is beneficial to Africa) It elicited an example of this similar concept:
Specifically, is the Cardano community familiar with ??
Millions across the African Continent are already keenly aware of desertification and are attempting to rehabilitate the earth.
There is likely a microcosm of amazing innovation happening.
It would be amplified exponentially by this proposal.
And we won't call it Reparations.
We'll call it Rehabilitation.
Bringing the World Together with Common Purpose.
Of Common Man and His Interaction with Nature.
We can start small but there's no reason not to get wealthy nations, multinationals, and celebrities to pitch in too.
I'm also going to up my original ask of 50,000 to 150,000 to do this (will provide receipts and proof of service):
I've always been determined to help my community + nature.
But I want to take these concepts, and so much more, to a larger audience. Online