Last updated 3 years ago
Resumes are biased. A more trustless system helps hiring & leads to targeted discounts. Advertising in 2021 $649b & a bad hire costs ~$240k.
Qualify workers based on ledger documented wages. Evidence leads to a higher starting salary, reduction of bad hires or unlocking discounts.
This is the total amount allocated to Rewarding Payroll Solutions Resume.
Qualify workers based on ledger documented wages. Evidence leads to a higher starting salary, reduction of bad hires or unlocking discounts.
John is an AI architect with Intel Labs. He served as Chief Data Scientist for US SOCOM. He built his own coin. Two tours in Afghanistan.
Additional Proposer: - Jason is an award winning salesmen. He passed his CPA, FINRA and RE exams at a record pace, is a fast learner, and has handled multiple multi-million dollar transactions. I-banker.
This blockchain enabled payroll is most well suited for a coin that supports smart contracts. Smart contracts will allow an employer to set up unique hiring practices, specifications and commission opportunities based on a job candidate's quantifiable experience, or wages earned from a particular employer. It can also allow an advertiser to provide concessions to an employee or employer who accumulated a certain amount of quantifiable experience. Unlike traditional blockchains, there can be a portal for experienced workers seeking employment to discover opportunities that may be well suited for them in the surrounding area.
Amazon started with just books. The first industry we would on-board is government public works divisions, construction employers and contractors in the construction sense. With Cardano adding economic viability to the African market, an increase in construction projects is inevitable. A construction company, government entity, or contractor may have an urgent project and can use the platform to hire 10 workers who have accumulated 100,000 ADA in contracting experience for a challenging seven day project in which they will pay 50 ADA per hour. The employer can offer 75 ADA per hour for workers who have earned 250,000 ADA. Given that this is a tough job with a high degree of difficulty, the contractor is willing to pay more for a more experienced professional.
Employers would have a unique payment address where they staked their payroll and earned interest on it prior to paying employees for work completed. Proceeds for staking would be used for maintenance of the system. Because of this feature, employers can see how many firms a worker was employed by and may question why a candidate worked for so many as evidenced by the unique addresses tied to contracting work. An employee's unique payment address would become their quantifiable resume. Can be defi by having employers register themselves or employee's register a payment address as a specific trade/career.
An employee's unique payment address would become their quantifiable resume. The ledger associated with their payment address would detail the total amount that individual has been paid for their work. It is a much more accurate representation of a worker's experience, specifically blue collar work, than a traditional resume. Advertisers can see a worker earned 250,000 ADA from contracting companies and offer him special discounts on worker's gloves or a new tool. Given the employee's quantifiable experience, their favorable opinion of a product may go a long way with less experienced co-workers, friends, or family members. This promotion can be set up through smart contracts and we can earn a small fee that can go towards maintenance upon completed transactions.
The more experience workers accumulate on our system, the stronger their resume becomes building in a monopolistic feature.
ROADMAP: In one month, we will have interviewed, assessed, and selected a team of engineers or an engineering firm who is committed to building out the project to interact with Cardano's planned smart contract system. In three months, we want to have met with government officials from Africa, Afghanistan, and the largest construction firms in each respective region. We also want to demonstrate how they can earn money staking on their blockchain payroll provider, which is cost free compared to the current options and strengthens their hiring process for years to come. In six months, we hope the engineers will have a prototype that can be tested with any partnerships made in the aforementioned countries.
Engineers to Build Out $85,000
Salesforce to Implement/Government $50,000
Total $135,000
John is an AI architect with Intel Labs. He served as Chief Data Scientist for US SOCOM. He built his own coin. Two tours in Afghanistan.