Last updated 3 years ago
In Ethiopia few people have access to clean sanitation and water. At the same time Ethiopia and the rest of Africa need blockchain tech.
Khepera SCA has developed a new industry to solve both problems - Sanitation Microfarming(tm) PBC (Proved By Cryptography)
This is the total amount allocated to Sanitation Microfarming (tm) PBC.
Khepera SCA has developed a new industry to solve both problems - Sanitation Microfarming(tm) PBC (Proved By Cryptography)
We are inventors (including a NASA scientist) crypto enthusiasts, business people and artists dedicated to blockchain utility and positivity
Khepera Sustainability Cooperative Association is a Digital Autonomous Organization. We welcome the Cardano community to join with us in introducing a brand new industry called Sanitation Microfarming(tm)Proved By Cryptography (PBC).
We are introducing our plan to farm insects called black soldier fly larvae, detritivores that are the most efficient consumers of bio waste, inside our patent pending invention called the D-Lavatory (D-Lav for short). Picture included below, the D-Lav houses these creatures inside a carefully constructed, ergonomic designed device that takes the place of pit latrines, water wasting flush toilets and the widespread practice of open defecation in Africa. The human waste deposited is biotransformed by detritivore consumption into animal feed, soil amendments and medicinal items that give what is usually considered worthless a value of about $1 per pound. People from richer nations we call "Giftprenuers" donate the D-Lav units to families in need via 501c3 entities we have partnered with, thus giving them the ability to claim a tax deduction for assisting needy people. Local Khepera representatives in Ethiopia where we plan to roll out first, will come to a family home and set them up with the detritivores and the biochar used to absorb urine for the creation of new soil. Twice a month the locally employed workers come back to retrieve the products, recording everything via a Cardano blockchain based app. The home owner has the same app and when the product is sold will know exactly how much her family contributed as well as market and sales information. When product is sold the revenue will come into the system as Cardano based token Khepera Coin, and be automatically distributed to all stake holders via smart contract, including the Giftprenuers, who receive a free will (and in the USA tax free) gift of a revenue share generated by the D-Lav and its related Resource Based Economy. All Giftprenuers can receive up to half their rev share in the form of any crypto they prefer, creating an economic force for all crypto investors to positively push the value of their coin of choice, while making Africa better for all the children. Blockchain enthusiasts concerned with the carbon footprint of the technology can help to fight global warming by supporting this effort, because Sanitation Microfarming (tm) mitigates methane, a green house gas that arises from decaying matter that is dozens of times more potent than regular CO2.(Giftprenuers get a special NFT denoting how much methane they helped mitigate!) We will also be introducing larger scale projects that mimic biological climates in enclosed spaces (invented by our NASA scientist Richard Nelson-info graphics included below). These buildings, with D-Lavs inside, are excellent for safe, sanitary public relief - replacing dangerous fly and mosquito infested pit latrines. Another is for safe sanitary childbirth, which is available to only 15 percent of women in the Global South. These buildings, called the SaniPOD and BirthPOD, also utilize the nutrients from the biotransformed waste to grow flowers and food crops, creating a pleasant environment inside as well as a source of nutrition for places often suffering from food insecurity.
We plan to spend the funds we are seeking to hire techs to create the blockchain infrastructure (apps, NFTs and smart contracts), manufacture and gift D-Lavs to several hundred families, create the local logistical structure and fund administration. Feel free to take a look at the infographics included, as well as the full "brown paper" we have included for a much more comprehensive look. Please be advised the paper was written before we knew about the Cardano blockchain, so ignore any other chains mentioned. And also please be advised that we have a famous Hollywood actor/director as part of our team who is gearing up to produce a documentary of our endeavors. (this is not a part of this budget.) His name is Bill Duke (director of Hoodlum and Deep Cover) and he thinks our efforts can become a celebrity cause - so look out!
Please consider joining us as we uplift Africa and introduce the ultimate crypto use case on the Cardano blockchain.
Detailed Implementation Plan For Sanitation Microfarming (tm) PBC
Contract Cardano's tech services group IOHK for creation of blockchain assets: Khepera coin, smart contracts, product proof NFT system and integration with payment services to receive and fiat and turn local currency into crypto currency. Expected cost -$30,000
Step 2: Work with Cardano to build relations with Ethiopian government and universities. Build local Khepera infrastructure in Ethiopia's major city Addis Abba:
Solaroof Work Village work complex
-3 self powered buildings for black soldier fly and worm breeding and D-Lavatory product processing, a building for food, water and energy creation and a building for Khepera tech force training/administration. Expected cost 3 of Solaroof buildings plus insect processing equipment - $40,000
Step 3: Chinese manufacture of 200 D-Lav units, 2 SaniPOD buildings and 1 BirthPOD complex. Expected cost -$20,000 for 200 D-Lavs, $10,000 for 2 SaniPODS and $10,000 for 1 childbirth equipped BirthPOD complex including separate family RecoveryPOD - $40,000 step 3 total
Khepera local Tech force training (20 Ethiopian individuals), 2 American staff member travel, room and board plus administration costs for 6 month pilot program expected costs - $40,000
What success looks like:
3 months after funding – Ethiopian region and local home users and tech force participants chosen from local Addis Abba University students, first Solaroof training facility built, training locals begins and basic design of dapps started
6 months after funding is the Expected Public Launch Date
All dapps and Solaroof facilities created, home based D-Lavs distributed along with dapps, begin 6 month Sanitation Microfarming pilot in city of Addis Ababa and in a nearby villiage.
(we believe our cooperative can be especially helpful with Ethiopia's village program mentioned here:
And to really get what the Cardano/Khepera partnership could accomplice not only in Ethiopia but all over Africa where our small thriving villages could be developed here is a word from Khepera's CTO Richard Nelson - former NASA scientist and inventor of Solaroof and advocate for the Cardano blockchain and ecosystem:
"Let's think about the structure of the blockchain contract between the village the villagers and the government. Let's take the people out of the prison of commodity wealth where their prosperity is measured in terms of production of the product valued by International commodity markets. Let's reward the people for their independent off-grid lifestyle which produces zero tax burden to the government in fact offers the government a share in the Commonwealth of the people.
The people are not urbanizing. Quite the opposite; the people are restoring tribal community with its security and prosperity for all members. They have invested their money in technology that provides a high quality of life and an abundance of life support, meaning significant surplus of: fresh organic local food, pure water, clean energy and many other secondary products that naturally generate from the living ecosystem of the Khepera SolaRoof Village.
The Villagers do not have their hands out for their share of a distributed money payment from the government - their lives are not creating a tax burden upon others. They do not need Fiat money to prove the value of their lives of independent dignity that is based upon the abundance inherently present in the healthy natural environment that is sustained around and within the community. Give the community cryptocurrency reward and recognition that can be exchanged for Fiat money as maybe needed. The great wealth generated by the thriving rural Village Life can provide the services to uplift the urban slum dwellers out of poverty."
12 months after funding – Successful tweeking of dapps, logistics and all Sanitation Microfarming components to assure viable large scale rollout - including expected Profitability and Cardano giveback:
The Khepera brown paper forecasts that the average city dwelling family in Africa using the Khepera Sanitation Microfarming system, working with local Tech Force, will generate $15,000 yearly in revenue per family. During the 6 month pilot in Ethiopia's capital city the 200 families will generate approximately $1.5 million in product revenue. The publicly used SaniPOD and BirthPOD will bring in about $250,000 in revenue from the sales of biotransformed product from sanitation.
Khepera SCA will write into a smart contract the facility to put the granted $150,000 back into the Project Catalyst funding program from product revenue, along with another $150,000 for a total of $300,000 in ADA to be given back for the sake of others seeking funding.
World wide publicity – which will be aided by the documentary created by the world famous director Bill Duke, which is a separately funded project. Note on Bill Duke by Greg Walker:
I was so honored that my friend Bill Duke, one of the most respected people in Hollywood, volunteered to assist with the promotion of Khepera. Solaroof tech and our blockchain endeavors. It was Bill who brought up creating a documentary based on our rollout in Ethiopia, not me. This man will work wonders for our cooperatives efforts worldwide to make the world a better place. (image of Khepera SCA founder Greg Walker and director Bill Duke in skype meeting attached)
Khepera will then conduct our Giftprenuer driven Tokenized Founding Member Offer (TFMO)as described on page 27 of the included Khepera brown paper. Then the Sanitation Microfarming cooperative will expand to the rest of East Africa, then across the entire Global South over the next 6 years as outlined in the paper, bringing the Cardano blockchain to billions of users.
Supporting paper, staff
identifying info and images attached
150000We are inventors (including a NASA scientist) crypto enthusiasts, business people and artists dedicated to blockchain utility and positivity