Last updated 3 years ago
India has an increasing problem of counterfeit degrees with no reliable way for recruiters to verify an applicant's educational credentials.
Develop a cost effective dApp platform to validate certificate credentials using transaction metadata and a native token.
This is the total amount allocated to Deqree: Certificate Validation đ.
Develop a cost effective dApp platform to validate certificate credentials using transaction metadata and a native token.
We are a team of 5 Indian Undergrad students with a combined experience in Python, C++, SQL, HTML, JavaScript and learning more everyday.
In India, cases of fake degrees and forged certificates have been rising rapidly in recent years. When that is coupled with increasing unemployment rates, it results in a significant number of candidates applying for every single job position available on the market.
This means for recruiters it becomes an uphill battle to verify the credibility of each applicant's credentials reliably.
We are thus proposing a solution to use the metadata feature of Cardano Blockchain to create a platform that helps Universities, Recruiters, and degree holders alike to authorize, validate and securely store their certificate records in an easily accessible manner.
Detailed Problem Statement:
In India and many other developing countries, The process of checking these degree certificates generates a lot of documentation, and storing them digitally necessitates a central authority in charge of managing the records, which opens the door to tampering and data loss. Some academic institutions make it simple and quick to check the validity of their qualifications online, without even asking who needs the information. Others assign the responsibility to third parties (by design or regulation), while others market the service. Finally, there are times when there is no other option but to contact the academic secretary's office at the educational institution to validate the legitimacy of a credential or qualification. Academic degree fraud, on the other hand, is a reality that arises with the involvement of authorities and institutional employees.
India, as a populous country with a large youth population and a gateway to numerous educational opportunities, lacks a consistent, stable, reliable, and tamper-proof method of verifying credentials. This is a significant disadvantage since there are a large number of fraud cases, which slows down the growth of our education sector and job markets. The existing tools available are insufficiently safe to keep fraud to a bare minimum. They, sadly, have numerous flaws and, on top of that, are ineffective in terms of cost.
What we're trying to achieve. (Project Description)
To develop a decentralized application on the top of Cardano's blockchain to combat this serious problem.
We are a team of 5 Indian Undergrad students with a combined experience in Python, C++, SQL, HTML, JavaScript and learning more everyday.