Last updated 3 years ago
iNVENT is a blockchain application that eliminates extensive cost and creates a time/date stamp validation of concepts for inventors.
Blockchain Metadata Time/Date and Concept Validation Stamp/Hash, would eliminate standard high cost and help inventors to validate idea.
This is the total amount allocated to iNVENT .
Blockchain Metadata Time/Date and Concept Validation Stamp/Hash, would eliminate standard high cost and help inventors to validate idea.
Personally attempting to navigate the invention process discouraged me from pursuing innovations because of cost/ROI.
By building a platform that uses Metadata, idea Development and innovation on top of the Cardano Blockchain, it will format building a provisional patent, and helps to assist in Patent searches. This will create an avenue to initiate your own provisional patent without the use of a legal team this could really help innovators have a platform to get started to validate ideas.
The Urban legend of creating a 'Poor Mans Patent' is what lead me to this idea. A Poor mans patent is physically mailing yourself the details of an invention to potentially date and validate the idea. This is not a valid process and cannot be legally used to prove anything about your invention.
Metadata hashed on a decentralized digital ledger could be used to properly validated time and date for the invention for a fraction of the current cost.
Using current USPTO oracles of information for a patent search, and creating a step by step tutorial of the process.
Classifying the invention thru CPC application process. Help to conduct an in depth review of competing patents. Creating a digital illustration platform that assist with professional appearance. Building System and Method drawing for the idea. Formatting the Text Description thru a provided template.
Link to Provisional Cover Page /USPTO U>S Patent Trademark office. Attaching System Drawings, Method Drawings,And Text Descriptions(story of illustrations) to the cover page and submitting with USPTO fees the innovator will complete the Provisional patent application and have a pending Patent that allow the 1 year to finish full patent application, test the product in the respected industry and look to achieving funding for the idea. Link to Full application of formal invention to USPTO. Link templates for Trademark application, Link Copyright application and template for applying.
Assisting with creating template for a marketing campaign with established Invention or Trademark roadmap, template for creating detailed business plan to assist in future funding processes.
This digital application has the potential of expanding its platform to take on the European Espacenet Process, the African ARTPO, and Asias APA patent process.
The iNVENT digital application could eliminate the majority of exorbitant cost associated with getting started on ideas to inventions. Currently using an Attorney to accomplish this process could cost as much as 20000.00 dollars I feel strongly that we could get that cost down to just the official application fees. By eliminating much of the cost my hope is to create a platform that introduces many future inventors to Cardano/Blockchain and provides an affordable launching point for innovation. I have attached some general cost information generated from current options found for patent production. Within this platform I estimate the total cost of our patent process to be only the official application fees and take the intimidating and expensive side of innovation and make it accessible to everyone.
Use of Funding
Currently I have myself Luke Callaghan and Chris Hong working on this project. Both of us are strong Marketing and Content developers and have some website development experience. I will need to hire at least 1 full stack developer to assist and build our platform. Most if not all of the funds I am asking for will fund the Blockchain developer in building our platform. Chris and I have many projects in concept development stage and have chosen the simplest idea to present at this time in Fund 5. Our hope is to learn and to execute/develop our first concept in the coming weeks. I am currently developing our structured Flowchart that creates a step by step plan accomplish these goals.
Personally attempting to navigate the invention process discouraged me from pursuing innovations because of cost/ROI.