Last updated 3 years ago
Crypto project risks remain high for reasons. Risks can be reduced by having staffed help centers with experienced entrepreneurs.
Huge launch event raffle and conf with ongoing in-person or online support to the ecosystem from the Ciudad del Saber.
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst Incubation Centers.
Huge launch event raffle and conf with ongoing in-person or online support to the ecosystem from the Ciudad del Saber.
Steven and Ruben bring decades of tech experience, they have partnered with world class crypto ecosystem supporters.
A raffle where persons with submitted proposals receive a 50% discount on their raffle ticket; they must provide a URL to their proposal. Individuals can also purchase a raffle ticket for full price.
Public Launch
Immediately following the approval of this proposal the team will initiate a local and global outreach campaign to key partners and allies.
note: we have already started to pursue international celebrity collaborations for all things possible with Cardano.
details PDF attached
36200Steven and Ruben bring decades of tech experience, they have partnered with world class crypto ecosystem supporters.