Last updated 3 years ago
Untapped expertise already exists in Catalyst. Recruited teams might not share Cardano's vision and values.
Connect our own experts to grow native DeFi teams that are already bought in on the Catalyst mission.
This is the total amount allocated to Grow Our Own Teams.
Connect our own experts to grow native DeFi teams that are already bought in on the Catalyst mission.
Engaged community member, retro organizer / facilitator
Catalyst SWARM
Our current communication and collaboration tools encourage us to type at each other, rather than talking with each other. Telegram, Discord, and Ideascale are poor mediums for recruitment and team building. How many successful teams have been built using a dev-for-hire tag?
Let's create spaces for conversations that foster meaningful relationships. Only after building relationships can we truly understand the skills and expertise of another. If we're to create dream teams with diverse perspectives and skillsets, we need to start with relationships. Organically grown dream teams will grow our DeFi ecosystem more effectively and consistently than any outreach or marketing efforts.
To help create these spaces, we propose a repeatable yet flexible template designed to guide individuals through team-building activities with other community members. We will NOT create teams, but rather, create the conditions under which teams can create themselves. Not only that, but we'd like to create companion experiences that guide new teams through problem definition, solution ideation, and proposal writing. Let's scale up our DeFi ecosystem TOGETHER.
# of participants attended
# of teams created
# of proposals submitted
# of proposals funded
Use of Funds
-outreach to create ecosystem
-create, test, and implement repeatable team building experience
-time spent facilitating sessions
4950Engaged community member, retro organizer / facilitator
Catalyst SWARM