Last updated 3 years ago
Banks exploit their bargaining power over the community. DeFi currently requires %100+ collateral. We need a realistic borrowing option.
Kitty Party is challenging DeFi and the world of banking through crypto lending circles, micro DAOs to borrow across the world.
This is the total amount allocated to Kitty Party 😺 DeFi Lending Circle.
Kitty Party is challenging DeFi and the world of banking through crypto lending circles, micro DAOs to borrow across the world.
Technical Co founder for 4 years bringing concept to market.
7 years of full stack software engineering
Full experience portfolio below.
Banks continuously betray public trust. DeFi is limited to yield farming. Let's empower individuals to lift their community and build their own future.
Crypto lending circles are the solution, community powered self lending. No more shady business with banks and no more 100+% collateral on DeFi protocols.
This is already helping immigrants and those in developing countries but limited to small amounts due to low income communities. 24.4K for a prototype to scale the pooled money limit and reach users across the world potentially capturing a $6 billion market.
Detailed problem
2.5 Billion adults around the world are unbanked. They are concentrated in developing nations where very little regulation exists for central banks. Paired with corruption, banks engage in predatory lending [1], fraud, and plain abuse[3][4].
In developed nations, the bank's profits model protects profit margins not people. Along with fraud [5], borrowers are tricked into unfair terms [6].
Current DeFi protocols are reduced to yield farming for those with disposable income. Finance is not truly accessible for anyone.
Detailed solution
By cooperatively saving and taking turns loaning out the money, members get anything from a low interest loan to a high interest savings account.
Known formally as a rotating savings and credit association (ROSCA). The concept has been practiced for decades successfully[7] (used by %23 of Mexico) and is known by 200 different names across the world.Women in Kenya,Mexico, Bangladesh and all over the world successfully use this at the scale of a local community [8][9][10].
Kitty Party will use the Cardano platform to scale this solution to the global stage.
What success looks like
Short term (1-2 years):
Long term:
The road ahead
Dealing with fraud and virtual identities:
For Catalyst F5 we are seeking funding to build a prototype ready for alpha testing. Current team size is one and will be utilizing contractors/freelancers for peripheral work.
After product market fit has solidified we will continue expansion.
Total funds requested: $24,400 estimated for 6 months of development
By January 2022 we will have the first round of closed alpha testing.
Technical Co founder for 4 years bringing concept to market.
Integration operations lead for national mortgage insurers for 2 years.
7 years of full stack software engineering
Currently following plutus pioneer program
Want to discuss? I can be reached here:
Technical Co founder for 4 years bringing concept to market.
7 years of full stack software engineering
Full experience portfolio below.