Last updated 3 years ago
Small businesses are often funded by friends/relatives with shares informally distributed or only certified by legal founding documents.
Publishing tokenized company shares and paying dividends on Cardano Blockchain will open small businesses to trustless funding for expansion
This is the total amount allocated to Small business expansion funding.
Publishing tokenized company shares and paying dividends on Cardano Blockchain will open small businesses to trustless funding for expansion
I am an owner and investor in three small businesses based in Africa, have worked in capital markets since 2008 and have programing skills.
Funding a business requires information. Several metrics can be required for true trustless funding. For large businesses, this trust is acquired through public disclosures and exchanges. For small businesses, less may be required as investors may be socially connected to the business.
Owners and founding investors of small businesses may want to sell their shares to willing buyers, but the exchange for information and value transfer is still missing. The Cardano Blockchain Network can allow small businesses to regularly post verifiable yields on published shares. For potential investors, the challenges is to transfer funds and receive dividends from geographically distant companies.
The Cardano Blockchain Network can allow businesses to pay dividends on the network using stable coins or other crypto currencies of choice. Wiring funds from any location to an exchange where the smart contract will be connected is feasible. The smart contract would allocated the paid dividends to token holders.
By means of a website or application, users can review registered small businesses' yields and sell/buy shares.
My proposal is to start with awareness among diaspora members and reach out to small businesses in underserved locations. Members in the diaspora may have experience wiring funds and the ability to invest in either their home countries or any other places they are connected to can be an attractive proposition.
The diaspora would be instrumental given their likelihood to have higher disposable incomes combined with their knowledge (personal knowledge or through beneficiaries' proposal) of emerging markets and blockchain.
Access to a fiat-crypto exchange is important for would-be investors while sending funds to an exchange by wire payment is also relatively accessible for small businesses. Ultimately, local financial institutions can be hired for liquidity provision and users in those locations can also be informed about blockchain technology to join in investing.
Costs (6 months):
- Developing the app and website: $15,000
- Onboarding small businesses in three urban centers (Lagos- Accra -Nairobi): $30,000.
- Marketing in the diaspora through social media: $5000
50000I am an owner and investor in three small businesses based in Africa, have worked in capital markets since 2008 and have programing skills.