Last updated 3 years ago
The Esports industry struggles with stagnating amateur and professional scenes and inefficient talent & knowledge discovery and preservation
A decentralized DID management platform with social functionality that provides
meaningful economic incentives for educational content.
This is the total amount allocated to Aegis Esports DID Platform.
A decentralized DID management platform with social functionality that provides
meaningful economic incentives for educational content.
I'm a junior developer, future Atala Prism Pioneer, enthusiast, and competitor in CSGO, with IT career skills to help run staking pools.
Due to industry-wide inefficiencies and lack of community retention of knowledge in Esports, valuable knowledge and quality talent continues to go underrepresented and uncompensated. Currently, there are risk factors, but also many opportunities that can be used to improve resilience, learning, and knowledge retention in esports communities.
⫸1.1 Opportunities:
A) An industrywide need to retain more talent at the lower levels to sustain the business of platforms that provide servers and subscription services for anti-cheat.
B) Due to centralized services being the primary way of players' talent and knowledge being transferred, many talented players go unnoticed.
C) Dire lack of amateur players that are able to consistently work their way to high/pro-level play.
D) Due to COVID there are many who are playing esports titles who would like to improve but are unable to find teams and comprehensive didactic educational content to better their skills.
E) The broadcast side of the esports industry could provide a great opportunity to show Cardano technology in action.
⫸1.2 Risks Factors:
A) Technical and social barriers to adoption
B) Subpar interaction / Community Growth
C) Lack of impactful content.
⫸2.1 Market
As of 2021, the Esports market is valued at approximately 1.08 Billion
⫸2.2 Product
A DID management platform that provides integration to numerous different services for different Esports titles, and an educationally focused social platform that allows for knowledge and talent to coalesce and permutate.
⫸2.3 Key Characteristics
A) Content with a focus on competitive gaming
B) Native Token incentives for learning and NFT creation/fractionalization.
C) Evolving decentralized Governance akin to Catalyst.
D) Integration of Digital Identity Technology (DIDs)
⫸2.4 The vision
With the Esports Aegis platform, the vision is to empower all who participate in Esports with Decentralized Identity tools to give them control over how they are seen in the Esports space, as well as foster learning environments that allow for robust and highly competitive communities and scenes to form.
1. Economic incentive to participate and to find up and coming talent, share strategies and improve the value of the scene the players reside in.
2. Creating longer-lasting teams, scenes, and bonds between the players as well as fans who would like to follow their journeys.
3. Allowing the Esports industry platforms that already exist to empower their userbase as well as crowdfund and collaborate with the community to develop new technologies or services based on the Aegis DID platform.
All of this can be possible if people are educated on the potentials of using blockchain tech in a social sense to bring immense value to the average player as well as players aspiring to greatness.
This project is currently being undertaken by me the proposer and familiarization with the software stack and finding a team will take time, but the knowledge of both the esports industry and paths to finding counsel to better the project is clear. The project has been iterated for approximately 3 months. We will use 3 milestones for success to give an idea of where we'd like to be over the next few years.
⫸3.1 Short Term Success (Focus of this Proposal)
Success will be accomplished if we have a live service with DID integration as well as communities and content being made documenting the working towards the completion of the project within the next 6 months.
⫸3.2 Mid Term Success
Success will be accomplished if we officially launch the platform in 8 – 12 months and acquire the active participation of players.
⫸3.3 Mid-Long Term Success
Success will be achieved if we have functioning governance and new incentive models within the first 2 years.
⫸3.4 Long Term Success
Complete success will be defined if our platform achieves the following:
a) Is self-sustaining and healing.
b) Balanced and fair governance with respectful and innovative communities.
c) Platform is the primary way for players to connect and learn with one another for their respective Esport titles.
d) DID technologies are fully integrated and allow players to take their identities between games and services while retaining personal privacy.
e) Becomes the primary knowledge and talent hub for learning and recruitment in esports.
Cost Estimates and Breakdown For Short Term Success - $50000
$~40000 for development and content creation work among the team working on it.
$5000 to fund the creation of a staking pool and marketing outreach.
$5000 for partnership outreach to organizations and endemic esports industry outlets.
I'm a junior developer, future Atala Prism Pioneer, enthusiast, and competitor in CSGO, with IT career skills to help run staking pools.