Last updated 3 years ago
Identity theft is a big headache. It can take days & sometimes weeks to get new credit cards, ID cards, & Passports.
We will show Atala PRISM can save you from the nightmare of losing your identity––and we'll begin with what we know: Grants Management
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Grants Management Systems.
We will show Atala PRISM can save you from the nightmare of losing your identity––and we'll begin with what we know: Grants Management
Nyagatare Valens (Financial Mgr) MBA, Grants Mgmt for 12+ yrs Benjamin Hartin (Community Mgr) Ghostwriter, 6+ years, Business Owner, 21+ yrs
The Nightmare
Lisa (29) recently found out from the sad faces at her Brook Neighborhood meeting that their old library was finally torn down. Wanting to lift their spirits, she meets with an old friend, Jose, at a local organization. It turns out they are offering a small grant for community projects that could help her buy a vacant lot where the community could build a simple structure, a modest lending library she's calling 'Brook's Books.'
The nightmare scenario occurred two weeks later when she looked down at her phone notifications and saw 13 fraudulent charges from her bank, a plane ticket purchased with her Passport, and a transcribed voicemail from her Grantor informing her of a recent data breach––all the Grantee information in their files had been hacked!
The Solution
After a couple of weeks, all the headaches of replacing her bank cards, credit cards, and a few different forms of ID that she had used in her grant application process, Lisa finally finished getting things back on track. A problem solver at heart, she begins to research the topic and find a solution. "There has to be another way," she thinks.
Over her search, she comes upon something called the Cardano Grants Management System. After digging a little deeper, she sees that they would both benefit from using the system that will protect her new credentials inside of an integrated solution called Atala PRISM.
The Technical Director, Susan, takes a look at the platform and afterward gives Jose her approval to use the software, saying, "I'm excited! It could really be a movement forward in helping us to restore integrity to our data security and keep our name and hard-won reputation safe in the community." Jose feels confident with her assessment, and they get started right away with Lisa's new application.*
*More on that story in our Fund7 proposal ;)
Overview: Our software platform that will help Grantees and Grantor (just like Lisa and Jose) safely and securely transfer and verify sensitive credentials will take 12 months to build.
Nyagatare: Project management, Onboarding Grantor Community Members
Benjamin: Content Management, Onboarding Grantee Community Members
Note: both team members are requesting $1000 each per month for their roles in the process ($6000 total)
Development Team: In a conversation with a highly reputable functional programmer, the price for contracting the development team is estimated at $75,000 in total (including upkeep and other aspects of ongoing support). Our project is 12 funded months, so we ask for $19,000 per round to cover this cost.
Note: We will keep rigorous records and update Catalyst at all requested times. If there are any leftover funds, we will see that they are returned to the Catalyst Treasury.
Goal 1 (pre-funding): (present - Oct 27, 2021)
Budget: $0
Our short term goals before funding are to complete the following:
Business Structure: Finalize legal business structure for Cardano Grants Management Systems.
White Paper: The conceptual framework behind the software platform (coming soon to the website)
Website: This will be continually updated with any new news on our project, whether or not Fund6 funds us.
Marketing: We will continually update our website, Catalyst Town Hall, Discord servers, and other social media.
Securing Developers: Though in talks with potentials, we will contract our developer after funding arrives.
Goal 2 (Fund6): (Oct 28, 2021 - Jan 31, 2022)
Budget: $25,000
$1000 per/mo for 3 months each = $6000.
$19,000 is the figure we were given to higher a contracted development team to build the first
Definition of Success: To produce a working prototype of our software platform that can be tested in the field in real-world cases. To go through the proposal process for Fund7.
Within the span of this funding round, we will formalize our business structure, begin our work with our Development (Dev.) Team to create a working prototype of our software program and test its functionality. We will do this by collaborating with potential end-users to determine the platform's efficacy and learn about other issues to address in the final version of our software platform (see Goal 3).
Concurrent with this process, Nyagatare and Benjamin will build relationships and collaborations with potential end-users (Grantors and Grantees) who will be the first users of the prototype.
Public Launch Date (Prototype): Jan 31, 2022
Goal 3 (Fund7): (February 1 - April 30, 2022)
Budget: $25,000
$1000 per/mo for 3 months each = $6000.
$19,000 for the second installment of development team total cost of $75,000
Definition of Success: To produce a finalized and thoroughly tested v1 of the software platform capable of solving reliability and security issues in the grant application process. To go through the proposal process for Fund8.
After testing the prototype in Goal 2 is complete, the Dev. The team will take the input from these real-world users and iterate further to finalize the software platform into a full version 1 (v1) product that integrates directly with Atala PRISM and archives the goals of adding reliability and security to the application process.
Concurrent with this process, Nyagatare and Benjamin will continue collaborations with clients and expand their relationships to include new relationships to rely on as v1 is finalized and needs testing in real-world situations.
Public Launch Date (Version 1, Secure Grant Application Platform): Apr 30, 2022
Goal 4 (Fund8 & 9): (May 1 - Oct 27, 2022)
Budget Fund8 & Fund9 (combined): $50,000
$1000 per/mo for 6 months each = $12.
$38,000 is the figure we were given to higher a contracted development team to build the first
Definition of Success: Over the next 6 months, the software platform is added to, bringing it all the way to its final form: a platform that offers solutions for the entire grant process, again, typically 1-5 years. To go through the proposal process for Fund9.
As learning is coming in from users of v1, v2 of the software will be in development. This advancement of the software platform will cover solutions for the complete grant process: from application to fulfillment, complete with an entire suite that covers each need of the whole Grant Management period (often 1-5 years per Grantee). It will include various solutions for tracking expenses, remaining funds, goal advancement, and other parameters outlined within a specific grant.
Public Launch Date in 12 mo. (Version 2, Application & Full Grants Management Suite): Oct 27, 2022
Team Profiles:
Nyagatare Valens, MBA, has worked within the USA government financial management systems, working on grants management for 12 years.
Benjamin Hartin is a ghostwriter in the autobiography genre. His resume includes writing short bios, press releases for high-profile individuals, and full-length manuscripts. A Business Owner for over 21 years, Benjamin finds joy in the process of consultation and iteration when building solutions-based businesses.
Budgetary Details:
Total cost (spanning Fund6, Fund7, Fund8, & Fund9) will be $100,000.
This covers $1000 per month of our two team members and an estimated $75,000 total cost for software development and functional programming.
Fund6 costs:
$6,000 for two team members for the 3 months work ($1000 per month for each team member)
$19,000 estimated figure for the first 3 months of Software Development funds. In conversation with a reputable developer, we learned that a project of our size is estimated at around $75,000 in total. Once the funding comes through, we will secure a contract and move forward with development. If we do not get funded by Fund6, we will look for alternative sources of funding.
Nyagatare Valens (Financial Mgr) MBA, Grants Mgmt for 12+ yrs Benjamin Hartin (Community Mgr) Ghostwriter, 6+ years, Business Owner, 21+ yrs