Last updated 3 years ago
Personal Health data needs to be more integrated, precise and fun in order to develop prevention, lower disease and the associated costs.
The Dyana holistic health identity, a mobile health wallet with interactive 3D visualizations, based on Atala Prism.
This is the total amount allocated to Dyana holistic health DID.
The Dyana holistic health identity, a mobile health wallet with interactive 3D visualizations, based on Atala Prism.
Over 20 years of experience within the wellness industry, including 10 years running a digital studio and app based products.
Current personal health data lacks precision and the ability to empower the user.
Being able to document personal health data simply and efficiently on a regular basis would dramatically improve the deeper understanding of health issues and prevention capabilities. This information should be owned by the individual in a secure and lasting way, and be usable between services, applications and practitioners.
To solve this major issue we are proposing to build a mobile app using Unreal Engine to create a beautiful, interactive holistic health tool. This app will provide a universal holistic health identity, and will be able to connect with services such as The Dyana project (our holistic health protocol), but also medical analysis (such as microbiote, epigenetic, blood analysis…). It will enable the use of digital currencies to pay for such health related services.
It will be a leap into the future, with interactive crystalline human that can be used to portray the interrelationship between our mind and body.
Connection with Wolfram Alpha will provide in-depth data on organs and diseases, helping to develop a deeper inner understanding and shifting attention towards the body's "small signals", ultimately driving the industry towards more prevention.
Integration with SingularityNet will expand even more the possibilities.
Health is a crucial part of our identity, as it involves our own living being. By using this DID we will drive a global change towards a more inclusive health system, in which our complexity can be explored and visualized in a precise way, enabling more global approaches and knowledge.
Antoine Cathalau
Antoine has been a project designer and meditation teacher for more than 10 years.
He co-founded Suki editions, a digital studio, in which he created ebooks, mobile apps and web projects related to holistic health.
Twitter : @AGarance, @SukiEditions
LinkedIn :
Claire Pichelin
Claire is the other co-founder of Suki editions. She has more than 10 years of experience of developing multimedia projects, including mobile apps for health (walking and Qigong), creating videos and marketing contents. She has been co-designing the Dyana project since its beginning. She has a master degree in communication.
Twitter : @Hypathie4, @SukiEditions
Bradley Heather
Brad is a blockchain engineer focused predominantly on Haskell and Plutus. He graduated from the second Plutus Pioneer cohort. He is also a Meditation Guide and Yoga Instructor.
Twitter : @BradleyHeathe15
David Trancart
David is a senior C++ developer. He has created apps for the Ariane space Team, Airbus industry, and many other high precision sectors.
Twitter : @daesdemon
Suki Editions is a company registered in France under this identifier : SIRET 79955289800022
website :
We are also a registered developer on the Apple Appstore :
And as a publisher on Amazon Kindle Store :
Public launch date : may 2022
Definition of success :
After 3 months : The team is integrating 3D body and Health data. Partnerships are developed with other health related projects in the Cardano Ecosystem. Social network accounts have several thousands of followers (video communication).
After 6 months : We are releasing the Beta version of the App. First 10 000 downloads.
After 12 months : 100 000 active users using the app regularly to record their personal health Data. Payments and integration of advanced Health analysis. Integration of AI.
Project management : 4000
APP development : 15500
3D design: 9500
UX : 2600
Communication : 3000
Additional costs : 900
TOTAL : 35500
Dyana is a meditation and natural health protocol developing on Cardano. It aims to bring community, blockchain and AI together to efficiently change our relationship to health and well being.
Over 20 years of experience within the wellness industry, including 10 years running a digital studio and app based products.