Last updated 3 years ago
Atala PRISM must reach the largest and fastest growing labor force for MASS SCALE adoption.
We will begin by implementing a combination of the sidetree protocol, which Microsoft ION and PRISM use, w/emphasis on required credentials.
This is the total amount allocated to gigDID.
We will begin by implementing a combination of the sidetree protocol, which Microsoft ION and PRISM use, w/emphasis on required credentials.
Senior Engineers, AWS, Enterprise Tech/Systems, Risk Narratives. Gig/Platform/Marketplace professional with a deep knowledge of processes.
Parts of this have been submitted directly to IOHK and Atala PRISM is what brought me to Cardano and then Catalyst.Â
Focus on the 1099 tax forms and current onboarding requirements for contractors across all industries, globally.Â
Action Plan
Roadmap - Have background and onboarding services lined up with AML/KYC by 12/15/2021.
Will be marketing with a focus on the end of the year tax forms, the 1099. Anyone receiving sending 1099s are the target which is estimated to be 60M people in the US and twice as many globally, although tax forms may not be relevant.
Performance Metrics
Major geographies and industries identified.
Number of marketplaces and platforms onboarded.
Number of individuals onboarded.
Skills Required
Project Management, Some Coding(sidetree), Marketing, Industry Knowledge
Performance Metrics
3 - Launched and have onboarded first 500
6 - 7000 total onboarded
12 - 20000 contractors onboarded and ready to use PRISM.
Will also be working with W3I decentralized identifier networks in the commercial auto space.
Will have provided various types of insurance to tall platforms and contractors with goal in 12 months to have established a captive self funded medical plan.
Budget Breakdown
$3500 - Site
$3800 - first 1000 AML/KYC and Background/Credentials Onboarding
$6100 - Branding and Go to Market Strategy
$4000 - Team Labor
Rivenbark - Self-employed, on Team Human. Enterprise technology executive, specialization in fintech (mostly US) with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, education, and workforce development. Believes people aren't broken - we just need to fix the systems.
quasar - Dlance - Quasi-Collective Consciousness
Senior Engineers, AWS, Enterprise Tech/Systems, Risk Narratives. Gig/Platform/Marketplace professional with a deep knowledge of processes.