Last updated 3 years ago
Digital individuals don't have a way to formalize and keep his wills in a secure, confidential, certified and unchangeable manner
Create a Dapp that allow users (ATALA Prism) to record a digital will, transform it in NFTs and transfer to beneficiaries at specific events
This is the total amount allocated to MySmartWill: evolution for tomorrow.
Create a Dapp that allow users (ATALA Prism) to record a digital will, transform it in NFTs and transfer to beneficiaries at specific events
Proposers are SPO and they have 20+ years of experience in management consulting firm on financial services and innovation tech. projects
WHY ATALA PRIMS CHALLENGE CHOICE: in our opinion the choice of the challenge was defined on ATALA Prism framework because digital identity is an enabling factor of the platform. Furthermore, all the features of the new Dapp are enabled by the Cardano ecosystem.
DAPP: in our vision MySmartWill will be a platform/dapp that will allow the user to register their will (of any nature) with extreme simplicity and in total safety.
MySmartWill will be an OpenSource platform, that use a large Cardano software ecosystem (blockchain, smart contract, native token, ATALA Prism), and it will therefore be possible for all the players in the Cardano community to support us in improving and expanding functionalities.
Integration with ATAL PRISM distribuited digital identity is a fundamental layer for any users to interact with MySmartWill DApp.
The MySmartWill project implementation consists of two phases:
- Pilot Phase (this Funding Request): the application consists of basic features that allow the user to register and certify their will on NFT and transfer them to the beneficiary upon the occurrence of a simple identification event (e.g. beneficiary's birthday)
- Target phase (not in scope): the application consists of additional features that complete the application with integration with other external platforms (eg. Certification Entities)
MYSMARTWILL PILOT (Funding Request):
In the pilot application, MySmartWill will allow the user to register a will that will subsequently be transformed into an NFT and which, upon the occurrence of a case, will be transferred to the beneficiary. The cases that can be managed in the Pilot project are:
- User's birthday
- Birthday of the beneficiary
- Specific day, month and year (eg. Christmas).
The application pilot consists of the following features:
- Integration with ATALA Prism for user and beneficiary registration
- Registration of one's will through a specific Form and / or upload a pdf document which will subsequently be transformed into NFT
- Definition of a single event identification rule for which verification and / or certification is not necessary (e.g. age of the beneficiary)
- "Pause" and "Restart" of the Testament
For this first phase, we imagine the following use case:
- The user downloads the MySmartWill application
- The user registers with MySmartWill and carries out the recognition through digital identity (ATALA Prism). A wallet on Cardano is connected to the verified account
- The user selects the event (eg the beneficiary's age) on the MySmartWill platform which is the trigger
- The user registers their will by defining the rules to be applied in case of event verification (NFT transfer). The user fills out the dedicated form indicating their wishes and / or uploads the pdf.
The content of the will is dated (through a specific timestamp) certified and securitized, becoming an NFT (private and not visible to the ecosystem). The platform will automatically generate keys which will then be associated with the beneficiary. Private NFTs will be encrypted with asymmetric keys (eg. with ED25519 signing) and stored in IPFS data storage, so only beneficiary can decrypt the information of NFTs.
- The user registers the beneficiaries by entering all the information useful to identify them (eg name, surname, tax code) and the email for subsequent contact.
- The beneficiary will receive an email notification from MySmartWill and which will be used for registration on the platform and subsequent creation of the ATALA Prism user. At this point the keys generated by the blockchain will be associated
- Possibility to put the will on "Pause" and / or "Restart"
- Upon the occurrence of the event (previously selected by the user), the process of transferring the NFTs / ADAs to the beneficiaries will be started
In our Target scenario, MySmartWill will consist of further features that will make the platform complete and open to more fields of application (eg last will, living will, …). Among the additional features (compared to the pilot project) are:
- Registration of the will via Video and Audio
- Chance to modify and delete the will at any time
- Integration with external certification bodies (eg oracles)
The use case Target could be the following:
- The user downloads the MySmartWill application
- The user registers with MySmartWill and carries out the recognition through digital identity (eg Atala Prism). A wallet on Cardano is connected to the verified account
- The user selects the event (e.g. death, injury) on the MySmartWill platform and which will be the trigger
- The user records their will by defining the rules to be applied in the event of an event occurring. The methods of registering one's wishes can be registered through the specific functions of MySmartWill, which are:
• Video recording
• Audio recording
• Upload testamentary pdf file
• Compilation of the dedicated form
The content of the will will be dated (through a specific timestamp) certified and securitized, becoming an NFT (private and not visible to the ecosystem)
- The NFT will subsequently be certified by other users of the Cardato ecosystem (so-called witnesses)
- The user registers the beneficiaries by entering all the information useful to identify them (eg name, surname, tax code) and the email for subsequent contact.
- The beneficiary will receive an email notification from MySmartWill and which will be used for registration on the platform and subsequent creation of the ATALA Prism user.
- Chance to modify, Pause, Restart or "Delete" the will
- Upon the occurrence of the event (previously selected by the user), the beneficiaries will receive a notification (e.g. email, text message, ...)
- The beneficiaries receive the NFT containing the will previously defined by the user
The MySmartWill pilot project is dedicated to a Retail customers and that is why we intend to keep it an Open Source application. We image that MySmartWill could be used by all those people who intend to transfer a thought, a digital intellectual work (e.g. painting, audio, project, ...) to third parties (eg. Sons, parents, …).
Subsequently, with the other features, MySmartWill could be used to define a last will, living will and other "contract". In this case it could be used by job categories (eg. Notaries, lawyers, ...) and financial institutions (eg. Banks).
We think that the MySmartWill pilot will involve a large number of enthusiastic community users that will try the features and contribute to increase the number of smart contract transaction in Cardano blockchain.
In our vision after an initial lauch there will be a communication campaign to involve other potential customer (eg. Banks, Insurance, Lawyers…)
We plan to develop and integrate Cardano blockchain technology, ATALA Prism framework that Is available and the future Plutus framework.
In our vision the budget requested could be defined in:
- marketing and communication campaign, contractual deep dive : 5k$
- Design the application functionalities and processes and the use cases: 10k$
- develop, test and deploy the first release (pilot): 45k$
- community rewards to try, test and finalize and adopt the first releases (pilot): 5k$
We planned to involve this staff:
- business analyst (proposers team lead): 1 analyst for 30 working days
- smart contract developers (to hire): 1 or 2 developers for overall 100 days
- project manager and product manager (proposer team lead): 1 manager for 6 months of elapsed
- community early adopter: we plan to engage through catalyst community and Cardano communication channel just available
The proposer team consists of:
- Senior manager with 20+ years of experience in Management Consulting on financial institutions. Deep technical background related to digital platforms, Cardano SPO of GOLGI and Community advisor for project catalyst fund 5.
- Executive with 20+ years of experience in Management Consulting (big 4 firm)
- Senior business analyst: with 5+ years experience in manage and lead business projects about financial institutions and develop digital platforms (eg. insurance contract selling, …)
- Project manager: with 5+ years experience in lead technical project over Public administration entities
- Smart Contract specialist (developer): ongoing recruitment… applications are welcome!
- 3 months: first alpha release for internal community testing
- 5 months: first beta release for community early adopter /with rewards program)
- 6 months: first pilot launch and first communication and marketing launch /with rewards program
- after 6 months: start commercial initiatives versus community (business angels, Emurgo, …) to start funding target version of SmartWill Pilot + landing page versus social for call-to-action to support initiative launch
- 9-12 months: we plan to have a robust asset (complete pilot Dapp), reaching almost several users that spend one transaction on MySmartWill test the strength of the solution.
THIS MATERIAL IS CONFIDENTIAL AND EXCLUSIVE any use of this material without specific authorization is strictly prohibited.
Proposers are SPO and they have 20+ years of experience in management consulting firm on financial services and innovation tech. projects