Last updated 3 years ago
Inequity in educational policies widens opportunity and resource gaps which systematically hinders student performance.
Data locker with DID & AI that tracks/connects mastery hours, academic info, & career interests which provide insight to career exploration.
This is the total amount allocated to Optimizing student agency with DIDs.
Data locker with DID & AI that tracks/connects mastery hours, academic info, & career interests which provide insight to career exploration.
7Y collective experience: business management, sales, marketing, brand awareness, strategic consulting, human capital, Robotics, Design, Art
"Plasia adds value where value has traditionally been lost for students" – building on top of the Cardano blockchain a (personal) data management and data sharing platform with integrated DID that (1) empowers students with data such as; master hours (time spent in class + time spent outside of class mastering skills, subjects, interests) and academic records such as transcripts that are accessible and validated. This data in turn births a valuable network of students who gain insight into strengths and weaknesses as well as career interests and areas of study. (2) Uses AI to connect users based on interests, skills, master hours and other records. (3) With this valuable mentorship network users explore careers that interest them based on data. Quantified data that is equitable and easily analyzable closes gaps that hinder student performance.
We are currently ready to onboard students at 5 Chicagoland schools and 5 local business from various industries. In conjunction, we are working with the city of Aurora, the second largest city in Illinois. The current Mayor and his staff are concerned with implementing sustainable mentorship, management and workforce development programs that reach traditionally disadvantaged groups. They have been unsuccessful so far because their strategy is focused on programs that rely on members being local in a globalized world.Our team thrives on our ability to network and build genuine relationships. We are positioned to give Cardano, Atala Prism, Learnershape and Plasia significant exposure at the education, business and government levels. The absolute focus of the first year is to help users understand what DIDs are, why they are important and how to use them safely. Furthermore, we must deploy marketing strategies that build interest around the technology. In the early adoption phase it is critical that users are educated on the technology and have a positive experience. Customer service is exceedingly important in building rapport, credibility and future success.
3 Months:
- Work with our lawyer Steve Cade at Foley & Lardner LLP in developing a data agreement focused on consent-based authorization.
- Create exceptional 3D video explaining how the technology works with @Andreaoshea_ (instagram)
- With @Andreaoshea deploy Plasia social media campaign to drive interest and educate future users
- Implement live experiential marketing with our business partner WeSixthirty ( that records the entire process of deployment
- Once Atala Prism is released deploy the platform with initial group of super users at our 5 partner schools
- Onboard our 5 local business partners onto Atala Prism
-November 19th Speaking Engagement with Metta World Peace at Bronzeville Academy Powered By Plasia
**-**November 20th 1st Annual 3x3 Tournament at the Naperville Athletic Center (NAC) Powered By Plasia
-November 21st Comedian Red Grant and Dr. Dwayne Williams host "Writing as Therapy" Powered By Plasia
6 Months:
- Continue to grow and nurture small-scale group of super users at the schools. It is imperative that they are successful before we onboard more users
- Continue to grow and nurture businesses using Atala Prism
- Build 3D interactive Plasia web based platform that attracts new users, collects user data like email addresses and other contact information to encourage engagement and FOMO
- Complete 3D animation video that displays Plasia goals in totality
12 Months:
- Continue to onboard users with an end goal of roughly 20-30% of total student population (approx 2,000 - 3,000 total students)
- Onboard 5 more business partners
- Work with @Andreoshea_ to refine 3D interactive Plasia web based client, and continue to create gravitating content on socials to drive interest/fomo
- Complete beta test with schools and debrief with WeSixThirty to complete live experiential marketing video.
- Regroup and and refocus on next 12 months.
What is Plasia
Plasia is a Chicago based startup founded in 2021 on the premise of paying students to attend school. The focal point of our foundation augments an equitable agency with tangible strategies for students to optimize their learning experience by-way-of skill authentication, data, and career audit tracking.
Plasia Today
Users' experiential interactions produce unique avenues throughout learning, whole-child development, and improve overall institutional safety. Within the traditional 1000 instructional-hours students attend classes, participate in extracurricular activities, and allocate hours for community service for projects that they feel passionate about. On the Plasia platform today, protective factors assist students on their journey by validating academic performance while also curating experiences for socially integrative responsibilities with AI. Key indicators are measured by how a student is building an effective rapport within their community through meaningful relationships, cradle-to-career solutions, peer to peer learning, and character-education development.
User Experience
Blockchain X AI
Blockchain allows us to protect the integrity of efficient record keeping, information verification, and system accountability. Through verification strategies users' mastery hours can be improved both inside and outside the classroom where students can examine success outcomes. The data provides users a chance to optimize their agency by empowering them through master hours recorded and verified on the blockchain. Then via the Plasia platform students can monetize their data and gain insight about their own interests with help from artificial intelligence. Lastly, Master hours provide valuable data for employers and recruiters that can be sold for profit at the user's discretion.
Learnershape's Unique Artificial Intelligence Technology
Plasia connected with the team behind Learnershape who is responsible for the exceptional "Universal Skills Authentification" proposal in FUND6. We have opened the door for collaboration in the future. Learnershape has developed unique technology that allows organizations to create custom AI-powered learning environments that meet today's dynamically changing industry needs. We at Plasia believe that the AI technology behind Learnershape is extremely valuable to students in the following ways:
Combine classroom learnings and student interests into specialized insights that are backed by data. (pg. 12 of the ebook [])
Educational/Workforce planning & optimization
Mentorship Recommendations
Plasia Token
The Plasia token is a native token built on the Cardano blockchain that brings simplicity into the exchange relationship between users in the Plasia platform. Members can use the native token with community-oriented businesses for purchase and/or bargaining of products with other users. This process inherently enhances financial literacy, cybersecurity, and experiential wisdom. Ideally, users will earn Plasia tokens in the same way schools earn funding; via attendance, test scores, truancy numbers etc. Later, the Plasia token is earned and exchanged in various ways as the ecosystem grows.
The Ask
With this submission we are requesting 50,000 in funding to boost our efforts to encourage Plasia, Cardano Blockchain, ATALA Prism, & Learnershape adoption. The 50k would cover the following:
The significance of the Plasia platform serves valuable for both educational institutions and students who are creating their social enterprise. Schools that obtain the Plasia platform will remain consistent with their goal of lowering absenteeism, restorative options towards disciplinary behaviors, increase academic achievements, promoting student success, school connectedness, and culturally responsive school climate. Effective implementation is strategically designed by school administrators per their schools' yearly goals which in exchange introduces more students to the platform. As the platform expands in users it strengthens analyzable data and vitalizes the loop utility. Our next step then would be an introduction for community based businesses to join the Plasia platform to provide experiential learning and earning opportunities that benefit students directly.
7Y collective experience: business management, sales, marketing, brand awareness, strategic consulting, human capital, Robotics, Design, Art