Last updated 3 years ago
Everyone should play a role in addressing the climate emergency? But what is my impact and how can I mitigate it?
A platform to calculate your DID carbon footprint in minutes, receive guidance to take simple actions to reduce it, share and get incentives
This is the total amount allocated to Your DID for climate impact.
A platform to calculate your DID carbon footprint in minutes, receive guidance to take simple actions to reduce it, share and get incentives
The life mission of Scott Poynton who impacted millions of hectares of forests to date. Team with strong NGO & entrepreneurial experience.
This challenge focus on DID initiative on the Cardano blockchain with the potential scale to the mass market. The DID for the climate impact could be the identity of 8 billion people on the planet.
Fighting climate change is probably the biggest challenge ahead of us. Nature is giving us strong signals about it.
Here are some stats:
Human activities have increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, amplifying Earth's natural greenhouse effect.
The annual rate of increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 60 years is about 100 times faster than previous natural increases, such as those that occurred at the end of the last ice age 11,000-17,000 years ago.
We need to fight climate change by reducing carbon emissions and carbon in the air.
But climate change sounds too big of an issue for each person. We feel powerless.
Going carbon zero means taking responsibility for all of the carbon you have ever emitted and you can track and manage it through MyCarbonZero platform
"My Carbon Zero" inspires people to take action against climate change. Each person's action counts and cumulative efforts will have cumulative results
To fight COVID we have masks, social distance, and get vaccinated. To face climate change we can take simple actions that will make an impact. But it all starts with the dynamic DID climate impact.
My Carbon Zero is being developed under the leadership of Scott Poynton (see more at the team) and phase 1 is already ongoing and could be found at
Each one of us will:
1. Know the lifetime carbon footprint - the good news is that individually it is not that high
2. Can take simple action to mitigate it and reduce the footprint - each one of us can take it to zero
3. Communicate it (i.e. in your CV/Linkedin) and get incentives - to enable scale
Please login and check your Life carbon impact as well as go through the available resources.
We are now developing the next phase which will include the DID carbon footprint, improved UI/UX, and partnerships with web platforms (more below)
1. The Platform - calculate, take action, get incentives
* Calculate your dynamic DID carbon footprint - in this stage, you will know your life carbon footprint balance
* Auto calculate or self calculate (3min) LIFE time carbon footprint - the good news is that it will be an amount that can be mitigated
2. Calculate current daily carbon footprint - based on the country you live in and lifestyle (electricity, heat, transportation, buying stuff, food). This will be part of your ongoing carbon footprint ad on
* Present ways to reduce your carbon - which will be connected to your dynamic carbon DID
* How to support projects reducing their carbon footprint
* Support projects reducing carbon already in the atmosphere
The list of projects to support will be vetted making sure the impact is verified. Here are few examples of projects we already work with (more can be found on our website):
3. Share & get incentives
* Share your DID footprint, add it to your CV/Linkedin
* Compare it with others at your social network/work
* Get rewards and incentives through collaboration with corporates (such as travel brands) and crypto models (NFT trees, crypto rewards)
One of the aspects of this challenge is the ability to scale the DID. MyCarbonZero is relevant for everyone and it could be a cross-border identity based on common values and shared objectives to mitigate climate change. MyCarbonAction will scale fast through collaboration with corporates and through social sharing.
One example is Travel Industry partnerships - the team has a strong network with leading travel websites (i.e. Expedia) and hotel booking platforms. The idea is to integrate MyCarbonZero at the end of the booking process and through that get exposed to a highly engaged audience.
The partnerships with the brands will also include incentives for those users taking action. For example:
If a user reaches a 0 carbon impact, he/she will be entitled to special discounts with brands.
One strong partnership we are already evaluating is with with access to 1.7 million young members. The idea is to involve their community with climate action activities.
Other collaborations could be discussed with Bio & environmental networks, Universities, corporates employees, and even platforms like Linkedin and Facebook where users could post their Climate Impact balance (very big statement).
We also see potential partnerships with other applications on the Cardano ecosystem, for example as part of a microfinance app that could give some preference to DID with 0 climate impact.
In the years to come, climate change will be a huge deal and many businesses and community members need to find simple ways to act. We wish to start a ripple effect to make MyClimateAction a discussion around the meeting rooms and dining tables around the globe.
The key is to make it very simple to calculate, take action, communicate, and get incentives.
Here's an overview of the roadmap ahead.
Phase 1 - concept development - June - September 2021 (in progress):
- Applying for Fund 6
- Developing the POC including the MyCarbonZero calculator platform, ways to reduce your impact, partnership with the vetted organization to reduce carbon in the air, developing initial content and model, discussions with corporates for collaboration.
Please check the for more information
Success = getting fund 6 funding, pilot discussions, finetune the concept based on feedback from multiples stakeholders
Phase 2 - solution build Alfa version - Q4 2021
- With Fund6 resources, we will initiate Phase 2
- UI & UX development - our UI expert mission is to design a simple and attractive product flow (calculate, take action, share and get incentives)
- Alfa version product development
- Integration with Atala Prism for decentralized identity
- Progress on partnership discussions for pilots
Once complicated we will have a functional MVP that can then be used to demonstrate the value proposition and attract potential partners.
**Success =**Alfa version live, LOI with partners
Phase 3 - soft launch Q1-Q2 2022
- Launch pilot partnerships i.e. with travel brands and booking engines
- continue product development
- Initial revenue from corporates partnerships
- Additional financing rounds from grants, corporates, and impact investors to further scale
**Success =**Beta version live with partners, over 10k users by end of Q2 as part of ongoing pilots
Phase 4 - MyCaronZero Official launch Q3 2022
- Go Live: grow traction based on the key areas below
The real success of DID for climate action will be to cumulative efforts to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. In order to get there, we need to make sure we can provide a simple and inspiring solution, create strong engagement and scale it. Below are some key KPIs we will measure.
- Number of DID carbon footprint created
- Monthly growth in DID created
- Engagement: users taking actions to reduce their carbon impact
- Number of collaborations with corporates out of the Cardano ecosystem
- Number of collaborations with applications on the Cardano ecosystem
Scott Poynton - a social & environmental leader
Scott is a real social and environmental leader for the last 30 years. Over 20 years ago Scott created an NGO name The Forest Trust (currently and the estimated positive impact of his work totals impacting $ 2 trillion of supply chains and millions of hectares of forest. He is now on his biggest mission to mitigate climate change.
Yoram Ben-Zvi - a social entrepreneur -
In the last years, Yoram is focusing on combining impact and business. 3 years ago he left his comfort zone and joined an NGO to work on sustainable business models across agriculture supply chains. Yoram also works with tech impact companies such as
Razali Samsudin - Educator & Social Entrepreneur
Razali is an Educator, Editor, Digital Economy, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, Social Entrepreneur, Catalyst Proposal Mentor, Wada UN SDG, and Education Coordinator, Co-Founder of Sustainable ADA & Catalyst School Core Member
Udai Solanki CTO - Technology expert
Udai is the founder and CTO of eRevMax for the last 20 years building the most innovative and scalable B2B solutions to the travel industry. Udai and his team also worked on blockchain solutions that could match the travel industry and that can be integrated with travel brands
Zachi Diner - UI expert -
Zachi is a designer by profession and at heart, a UX evangelist and the head of the interactive department at HIT school of design and technology. Zachi was leading many 10s of UI & UX projects with many success stories.
MyCarbonZero team
The current team will continue and support MyCarbonZero progress.
Yoram will lead the DID project and he worked in the past closely with all the other key team members.
MyCarbonZero has very ambitious objectives and it is already on its way while we are securing some support for it from corporates clients. We need however support to bring it to the next level with a focus on UI, platform tech development, and DID implementations.
The majority of the funds will be dedicated to the product development that will be managed by Udai and based in Calcutta India where the cost of development is relatively low. We calculate the budget across a period of 6-9 months so it gives us time to progress while also securing more funds from clients, grants, and impact investors. This next phase, working on the UI, MVP, DID, and collaboration with Cardano will make it more attractive for other parties as well to support the venue. We estimated additional funding sources within 6 months' time and until then we will operate with a modest budget as part of our engagement for the important cause.
- Development team - 2-3 developers based in India. $1000 per month per developer. Overall budget $20,000
- Design user flow and interface UI & UX - 15% of position support over 3-6 months with $1,000. Overall budget $4,500 (A normal rate for Zachi will be double as he is highly demanded)
- Project management $1,000 for 6 months - total budget $6,000
- Marketing and partnerships $1,000 for 6 months - total budget $6,000
- Graphic designer $1,000
- Marketing materials and presentations $1,000
- Content, admin and other $2,000
Total budget $40,500
There will be challenges on the way to success, here are some:
- Challenge 1 - making it very simple for users
Climate change seems a huge issue and we are powerless.
How can make everyone feel they can and should contribute to fighting climate change? How can we make users understand it is possible to get to 0 negative impact? How to make the user flow very simple and fast?
This will be a prime objective while designing the solution.
- Challenge 2 - motivate users to take action
People need to take action to change their lifestyle and contribute financially to reduce their Carbon. We need to make it easy and inspire people to do it. Creating incentives will be important to drive action.
- Challenge 3 - Business model
To continue to grow and scale, we will need to prove and improve the business model which is today based on the corporate social responsibility budget and we need to move to a more mainstream revenue model. This will be part of the ongoing work in the next 6 months. Our goal is to generate revenue so we can sustain the growth.
- Challenge 4 - Team collaboration
As an international team, communication and coordination between the team members is essential for the success. This also includes the collaboration with the Cardano and Atala Prism teams
- Challenge 5 - Partnerships for scale
Partnerships with leading companies have the risk of the speed of implementation and priorities. We need to find the right motivation and process to make this partnership effective.
DID for climate impact is done at timing it is needed most and the objective is to make a global universal climate DID. The project already started and we put together a strong diverse team to take it to the next level. An important basic part of the solution will be the development of the DID and connection to the Cardano ecosystem and Cardano community.
Thank you for taking the time to evaluate the proposal. We welcome any feedback, questions, and suggestions. We also welcome anyone who wishes to contribute to the success of the venture. We appreciate the CA, VCA, and voters time and attention.
The life mission of Scott Poynton who impacted millions of hectares of forests to date. Team with strong NGO & entrepreneurial experience.