Last updated 3 years ago
Many Catalyst concepts are is difficult to understand and hard to explain.
Simplify concepts into it their core parts and produce animated explanation videos.
This is the total amount allocated to Animated Explainer Videos-AIM.
Simplify concepts into it their core parts and produce animated explanation videos.
A rough draft of this can be found here:
Graphic and motion design team. Active CA and community member.
Many things in the Cardano Catalyst project are difficult to understand and hard to explain. Significant thought needs to go into complex concepts to break them down and to communicate them simply. By doing this process and presenting the outcome in nice easy to consume media the community will be able to better on board new members and help them achieve their meaningful participation fast.
 There are three graphics that I'd like to undertake in the first run of this Cardano Aim Education series. They are Voting Explained, Catalyst Explained & Challenge Setting Explained. However for this fund we will create polished version of voting explained (an extension of the draft example video above) and Challenge Setting Explained as these two are the topic in most need of explaining to new community members.
If successful I will look to keep expanding the series over the coming months by seeking additional funds to offer more education material.
The material will be publicly available on the Cardano AIM YouTube channel and could be useful in initiatives such as the Catalyst School and wider.
Phil has a detailed knowledge of the Catalyst ecosystem being an active CA, proposer and advisor. He has teaching experience and video production. He is a member of the Cardano AIM team and has a number of other proposals for consideration. He will partner with a motion designer who will carry out the design and animation work.
Cardano AIM members will offer support and advice as necessary.
Time Frame:
4-6 weeks for each video. Delivery will depend on existing work load and start time will depend also on workload of the designer. The aim would be to deliver two to three months from funding.
YouTube views, comments, & likes
Motion Graphic animation: $2500 x2
Montage/edit: $500 x2
Scripting and concept creation: $500 x2
Voice recording and editing: $500 x2
Total: $8000
A rough draft of this can be found here:
Graphic and motion design team. Active CA and community member.