Last updated 2 years ago
Current wallet software separates utility and education, creating a barrier for people to enter and to trust the crypto space and Cardano.
By using chat-based onboarding in wallets we combine utility and information to create a user friendly and trustworthy experience.
This is the total amount allocated to In-Wallet Onboarding for ADAholders.
By using chat-based onboarding in wallets we combine utility and information to create a user friendly and trustworthy experience.
Sr. UX/UI Designer 10yr+. Social System Engineer. Member of Adagov. Re-inventing the UI for blockchain;conversational governance with Adagov
The Current situation
In our current wallet software utility and education are separated, creating a barrier for people to enter and to trust the crypto space and Cardano.
The Frustration
Do you recognize this? "Hey, friend. How do I buy ADA? How much does it cost? Where can I buy ADA?" YES, we all do and it feels good to help friends and family enter the crypto space, because we all believe that ADA will change the world. But it's not our job to be a crypto wizard and what if our information is not up to date or even incorrect?
The Future Desire
By using digital conversation through a virtual assistant in a Cardano Wallet we can combine utility and information to create a more user friendly and trustworthy experience through interactive content, because ADA holders will be able to retrieve relevant information directly through a trusted wallet. In this proposal we will use Daedalus/Yoroi/Nami wallet features as examples to rebuild digital conversations.
Exponential Growth needs a scalable, safer, and natural interface solution.
Cardano´s market cap nearly doubled in February and August of 2021 ( A lot of people entering the crypto market are new users and it will be pivotal for the success of Cardano. Digital Conversations support new ADA holders as well as current ADA holders in their abilities to perform the necessary actions to navigate the crypto market as well as to support proof of stake and voting through providing relevant information.
Currently, (new) users have to look up information through a variety of sources and some of them might not be providing accurate information. By distributing information directly into Cardano Wallets, we´ll be able to cut out unreliable sources and enhance trust and knowledge with every person holding ADA.
Rebuild Wallets as Virtual Assistants
What if we reinvented Cardano wallet so that it facilitates utility, user friendliness and education as a virtual assistant. If we want to see the Cardano Network grow, to be a highly technical but at the same time a user friendly environment, we should utilize the diversity of Catalyst in the process. We´re looking to get together digital product designers, educators, developers, front end designers and the whole range of our diverse community in a series of UX/UI workshops to create the best user experience possible.
Virtual assistants or conversational agents are software applications enabling users to interact with a smart device through natural language, often with the goal of helping a user to provide information and complete tasks. If applied to the DAEDALUS wallet, a virtual assistant would respond to questions of any user with different experience levels at any given time in any language in a chat-like format.
Who Is This Proposal For?
The Social UX Workshops are for the Project Catalyst community to help:
What does success look like within 3-6 months?
This Proposal will improve the following challenge metrics:
Increased meaningful participation; By introducing a new social design system we enabled the Cardano/Catalyst community to build quicker, safer and more natural designs at scale. We are building a conversational participation network instead of silo-ed apps.
Engagement & Retention; We have proven that digital conversations intrigue people, and are an effective method to scale the Cardano narrative in a safe environment.
Iterative & Trustworthy interactive content; In contrast to page-based software design, digital conversations can be easily iterated, are flexible and can be linked to conditions, we track the efficacy of conversational scripts with UX KPI's.
Proof of Inclusion and diversity; We successfully showed that we are able to co-design open-source conversational modules with the Cardano Community and interactive content translations can be a community effort.
Conversation Design & Cardano Command line interface; We have proven that digital conversations are a better match for the (changing) Cardano CLI than page-based design.
Impact - Benefits of Conversational Onboarding are:
Feasibility - How do we make sure we deliver on intent?
Project Deliverables & Budget
Deliverables Details
1. Four Social UX Design Workshops
To facilitate development of the Social UX/UI design processes this proposal focuses on a series of workshops targeted to educate digital product designers in the Cardano/Catalyst ecosystem. We will use the Social UX Toolkit to rebuild technical blockchain wallet patterns into natural digital conversations for non-tech family and friends.
Are you interested in Systemising Social Innovation, want to learn how to use Conversational Interaction Design in your Cardano project, jump in our Discord server and reach out:
2. Cardano Onboarding as Pixel Perfect Designs made in Sketch (Using Daedalus, Yoroi, Nami, Voting App for design research)
- Personal Use Cases
- About Cardano/Catalyst
*-*Setting up the basics
- Buying Cardano
- Transactions
- Staking
- Voting
- Refering
3. A Social UX/UI design processes / Gitbook Documentation
During the course of the project, we will develop an interactive design for a Virtual Assistant in Cardano Wallets as well as a step by step approach that can be adapted to UX/UI projects on the Cardano Network. The first iteration of the design process can be found in this Gitbook:
The scripts and conversational modules will be described and visualized using visual design in Gitbook.
4. Proof of Concept (Funded by
Together with we will start building the open source 'Lego toolkit for Cardano In-Wallet Digital Conversations' on Github.
The scope for this project is combining Cardano Core Wallet product segments with Cardano/Catalyst Onboarding. We limit ourselves by investigating Daedalus, Nami and Yoroi blockchain patterns and the Voting app. We will humanize these blockchain patterns with the Social UX Toolkit, making them easy to understand and set up by family and friends.
Collaboration with the Digital Product Design Community and Catalyst Community in this project is key.
Auditability - How can the community check on progress?
Fund 6 Scope: We will comprehensively examine, select and investigate existing page-based wallet blockchain patterns, and transform these into digital conversations. We will explain new terminology in the workshops. We gave successful workshops and validated interactive content to be the front-end technology we need for the mass-adoption of non-technical family and friends.
[In progress] Follow our Gitbook for Social UX/UI Materials / Principles / Exercises.
[In progress] We'll define (Social) UX KPI's so chat-based onboarding can has standardized UX metrics. (3 months)
[In progress] We create a Miro-board progression tracker in which we track implemented conversational cases. (3 months)
[In progress] We co-design a story map in which we index the growth of our product. (3 months)
[In progress] We prepare the materials and exercises for live-classes (3 months)
[In progress] We index/design the conversational modules needed (3 months)
[In progress] Presentation and feedback at IdeaFest (3 months)
[In progress] We'll recruit motion ui designers in our Github for the production. (6 months)
[In progress] Onboarding and Training of Social Experience Designers and Devs (6 months)
[In progress] Successfully connected with 3 wallets teams (6 months)
[vote-pending] We'll do UX reviews of selected Wallet product segments for activation.
[vote-pending] Started the conversational governance toolkit in collaboration with adagov. (6 months)
[Vote-pending] We create the pixel perfect digital conversations for the deliverable list. (6 months)
[Vote-pending] We documented conversational modules in gitbook, size of the gitbook, amount of pages (6 months)
[Vote-pending] We gave four workshops for Cardano projects, we track sessions held, attendance and retention. (6 months)
[Vote-pending] Wallet teams (Daedalus Lite, Nami, Yoroi) are contributing to the development of the conversational module framework on Github. (6 months)
[Vote-pending] We work with a university on a Social UX / Digital Product Design course (12+ months)
As Charles mentioned in his July 20th video, getting Cardano into the browser, and a lite wallet with a new ux/ui team are high priority. New focus on UX and Lite Wallet 3m24:
Good to know
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Sr. UX/UI Designer 10yr+. Social System Engineer. Member of Adagov. Re-inventing the UI for blockchain;conversational governance with Adagov