Last updated a year ago
Information about how voters interact with Catalyst is not well understood, and there are few initiatives tackling this at the moment.
Create an incentivized survey to obtain information about how voters interact with Catalyst allow this info to support future improvements.
This is the total amount allocated to Incentivized Voter Survey - AIM.
Create an incentivized survey to obtain information about how voters interact with Catalyst allow this info to support future improvements.
AIM members are the team behind the voter-tool, CA-tool, vCA-Tool and the Community Landing Page. Developers, designers and data experts.
The Current State
In Fund 5 there were 250,000 votes cast by ~33,000 wallets. This is a very impressive number but it is on average about 7 votes per wallet over all the challenges. (Source:
What do we know about voter behaviors? Why do some vote for all proposals while some vote only for a few? What else do we want to ask, what else can we know? What could we do with this information?
In order to fulfill the desired goals of distributed governance, we, as a community, will need to work to understand why voters choose to behave in a certain way. The best way to obtain this data is to ask them directly.
Our Proposal: Incentivized Voter Survey
The purpose of this proposal is to set up and conduct an Incentivized Voter Survey to get answers from a sample of the voter population. Ideally this would be an ongoing and evolving undertaking.
We aim at getting insights and a better understanding about how the Cardano Community sees, understands and interacts with Catalyst. This information will help all the Catalyst community to improve over time and increase the impact and Return on Intention of the whole process.
Roadmap and Milestones
Since the results of this survey will benefit the whole Catalyst process, we aim at delivering the results as fast as possible after Fund 6 results are out. The following roadmap sets some dates, but we are willing to anticipate them when we get funded:
Example Information of Interest
Some examples of what kind of information we want to get from this survey:
Cardano AIM (Assembly Inspiring Masses) is currently made up Lucio, Victor, Phil, Razali and a number of supporters. We are all active Catalyst Community members and currently design and build tools that support the community. These include the popular voter-tool (, the Community Advisor Tools (CA and vCA-tools) ( & as well as the community landing page (
Razali is an Educator, Editor, Digital Economy, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, Social Entrepreneur, Catalyst Proposal Mentor, Wada UN SDG and Education Coordinator, Co-Founder of Sustainable ADA & Catalyst School Core Member
Victor is an active Catalyst Member, Community Advisor and Proposal Mentor, member of the 1st Catalyst Circle, leader of the Catalyst School, core member of the Catalyst Swarm, and has a strong professional and academic background in Engineering, Mathematics, Data Science and Machine Learning.
Lucio is a developer with 9+ years of experience (mainly focused on web/mobile. Languages and frameworks: PHP, Javascript, Typescript, Python, Ruby - Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Wordpress, Angular.js, Vue.js, Node.js). CA and vCA, co-creator of the Community Tools (Proposer/CA/vCA/Voter Tools).
Phil has experience as an accountant, UI/UX frontend and graphic design and business advisor amongst numerous other pursuits. He currently has a lead position in the development and direction of Cardano AIM and is co-creator of the Community Tools.
At the end of the voting process a survey will be released. We have set for this first survey an ideal of 200 participants. In future iterations of the survey we can obtain the statistically ideal number to have a relevant sample of the voter population - for now we are looking to test if the idea is feasible and if the community/voters will support it.
After participation in the survey the voter participants will receive a $20 participation reward paid in ADA (calculated based on the time of receipt from treasury).
Success Indicators
1. The survey is undertaken
2. The results are made public
3. Statistical analysis is undertaken
4. Statistical analysis is made public
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
AIM members are the team behind the voter-tool, CA-tool, vCA-Tool and the Community Landing Page. Developers, designers and data experts.