Last updated 3 years ago
New members wish to support catalysts but it is time-consuming and complex to learn how one can engage
A platform that matches between proposals tasks and member expertise
This is the total amount allocated to Match members profiles with tasks.
A platform that matches between proposals tasks and member expertise
Team includes Social entrepreneur, UI & UX experts. Input from which has a matching engine between volunteers and NGOs tasks.
Challenge Objective: Growth of meaningful participation from proposers advisors and voters.
Problem Expanded:
The catalyst community is growing fast and the amount of information a new member needs to grasp can be overwhelming and time-consuming, which limit members' involvement. Education resources are very helpful and important but many times people learn more by actually doing tasks.
Let's make it easier for newcomers (and members in general) to participate and support the community efforts.
Solution Expanded:
The idea is to help members engage and support proposals as well as communicate with other members. To do this we will create a simple mechanism that matches members' profiles with tasks.
The matching platform will increase the support points between members, proposals, and catalysts. It will reduce the time that passes between a member registration and actual support and will make members feel they are contributing to the community and being an important part of it.
Examples for tasks:
Task 1: Catalyst advisor.
Between 30-50 hours per fund cycle, entrepreneurial experience, CA compensation
Task 2: Proposal partner.
B2C social media expert, 50% capacity once winning the proposal, part of proposal budget
Task 3: Brainstorming session about the proposal tech development.
1 hour, a blockchain developer
Task 4: Graphic designer.
3 hours, design a ppt
Task 5: Network connection.
For proposals looking for pilot leads with school teachers in Ethiopia, 10 min.
Task 6: Legal support.
an international lawyer, one hour per week, support proposals
Catalyst related Tasks will be also included to promote key catalysts matrics such as become a referrer, community advisor, proposer, and any other tasks that catalysts wish to promote and to engage the members
A good example of such a process could be found on website in the volunteer section which resulted in a significant increase in online volunteering. GivingWay CTO will be advising on this proposal.
Check out causes and tasks - which is an initial search for online volunteer opportunities.
Solution includes
1. a task generator - how to integrate generating tasks in the IdeaScale proposal process or for projects
2. tasks center - where all tasks are presented and can be filtered
3. Members expertise - the key points where members could add their expertise and availability
4. communication between members and tasks owners will be using the Catalyst messaging system
5. mutual feedback process between members and proposals (this will be developed in the next phase)
In phase 1 we suggest presenting how this solution could be integrated into the Ideasacle platform which is the main platform to manage proposals for Catalyst.
In addition, there are some great community-led projects that provide valuable services for the community and that are very open to integrating new added-value solutions. Here are the platforms we had discussions with:
PACE team
AMI team
The main tasks are to develop a working mechanism that will include the tasks generator, tasks center, and members' expertise profiling and integrating it into Ideasacle or/and other community platforms. Ideascale platform already includes the member's registration and has communication features between members and proposals which will make the integration easier.
1. research and analysis of the key potential tasks. It will include sending a questioner to proposals and collect feedbacks - week 0 - week 2
2. Analysis of how best to integrate the task generator, task center, and member expertise in the idea scale process - week 0 - week 2
3. UI process for members profile, tasks, and task center week 2 - week 4
4. Development, QA, UI improvements - database, filter & search, task generation week 4 - week 8
5. Run test use case week 8 - week 12 with adjustments and fixes
6. Present results and approve integration with IdeaScale or and other platforms
*0 to be when resources are available
How does success being measured:
The objective of the challenge is to meaningful participation and the KPIs therefore
# of tasks being generated
# of community members adding expertise and availability to their profile
# of clicks by members on tasks
# of matching between profiles and tasks
# of actual tasks done related to proposals
# of actual tasks done related to catalyst
The solution is done for a very captive audience which is the proposal owners and the community members.
For the task generation, the objective is already to include it in the proposal process. For the members, it could be included in the onboarding, part of the profile setting, and in various communication channels of the community such as Telegram and Townhall sessions under a tag line "how can I help" or "how can I support proposals".
Yoram Ben-Zvi - a social entrepreneur -
20 years of business & tech experience, in the last 3 years Yoram is focusing on combining impact and business. 3 years ago he left his comfort zone and joined an NGO to work on sustainable business models across agriculture supply chains. Yoram also works with tech impact companies such as
Zachi Diner - UI expert -
Zachi is a designer by profession and at heart, a UX evangelist and the head of the interactive department at HIT school of design and technology. Zachi was leading many 10s of UI & UX projects with many success stories.
Alon Elish - technical advisor, CTO of
Alon led the development of a similar platform within Alon has over 20 tech development experiences, including integrating crypto payments to the platform. Alon will be supporting the efforts with valuable advice.
The timeframe for this proposal will be 3 months and will require interactions with Ideascale and Catalysts teams
Here is the detailed plan:
Project manager: USD 1,500 per month for 3 months (about 25% position per month with a moderate salary for EU standards). Total $4,500
UI - UX including design USD 1,500 per month for 3 months (about 25% position per month with a moderate salary for EU standards). Total $4,500
Technical team member USD 1,500 per month for 3 months (about 25% position per month with a moderate salary for EU standards). Total $4,500
Total Budget = $13,500
Requested funds in USD 13,500
There will be challenges on the way to success, here are some:
Challenge 1 - integration to IdeaScale
The integration should be fairly simple, but integrating with a third party always holds some risk as not all depend on your side. We count on Catalyst to support us in this process once the community approves the proposal.
Challenge 2 - getting attention from the community
This will be a key challenge and key success factor as we need to attract new members or members that are less active
Challenge 3 - getting right the UI and communication
The UI for tasks as well as for member profiles is very important to make sure the process gets adoptions. Making it simple and easy to use
Challenge 4 - ongoing solution
The solution might required upgrades, improvements, and integration with the multiple Catalyst platforms which might require additional funding which based on the success could be as part of future funds or maintained by the Catalyst team.
This proposal aims to better connect members and especially new members to participate and take action. Connect members directly with tasks will lead to feeling useful and part of the community for many more successful engagements.
Thank you for taking the time to evaluate the proposal. We welcome any feedback, questions, and suggestions. We also welcome anyone who wishes to contribute to the success of the venture. We appreciate the CA, VCA, and voter's time and attention.
Team includes Social entrepreneur, UI & UX experts. Input from which has a matching engine between volunteers and NGOs tasks.