Fund13 - the votes are in!
Last updated 3 years ago
How to giving suppliers the tools necessary to reach a global audience for their products, and by helping buyers find products and suppliers
All transaction will be recorded on Cardano blockchain. Company profile is audited via smart contract.
This is the total amount allocated to B2B Ecosystem.
All transaction will be recorded on Cardano blockchain. Company profile is audited via smart contract.
8 years of ERP experiences(Bidding system, ERP for some big corporations in VietNam).IT engineer graduated from big universities
I am Rong Nguyen, Director of IAM Software Viet Nam
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(We are providing some products and services in Viet Nam)
Enterprises need Infrastructure to operate, verify each other(partner) and make the world flatter!
We have one ERP solution and we want to bring it to Cardano and go global. Blockchain will record and verify all transactions between enterprise and enterprise. We create infrastructure(marketplace, ERP Solution, Service Bus) for Enterprise. We believe this way can change the game for Business.
I. System functionalities
- Phase 1: Online bidding system(Ours bidding system is running for some big Corporations in Viet Nam)
+ Marketplace for supplier and Purchaser
+ Supplier can submit Quotes, offer for sale at an bidding round(auction)
+ Purchaser can view quotes, create bidding round, mark suppliers as winner and create orders
+ Order management
+ Quotes management
+ Product management
+ Customer management
+ Supplier management
- Phase 2: Online ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)
+ HRM: Human resource management
+ Sales management
+ Purchasing management
+ CRM: Customer relationship management
+ FMS: Financial management system
+ Inventory Management
+ MRP: Manufacturing Resource Planning
+ Task Management
- Phase 3: Enterprise Service Bus
+ Enterprise system can connect directly(for example: when Company A create an purchasing order from Supplier B, then Supplier B will have an sales order from Customer B without any action)
+ Enterprise can share their resources(Employee profile,Document,...)
+ Ecosystem can connect to some big ERP solutions in the world(SAP, Microsoft Dynamics,Oracle,...)
II. Roadmap
+ M1: (Dec 2021) we will release a Bidding system for Purchaser and Supplier. Planning for marketing and sale.
+ M2: (Mar 2022) Integrate with Cardano, all order transactions will be recorded on Cardano Blockchain. Support and Improve phase 1 functions to fit user requirements.
+ M3: (Jun 2022) Expose SaaS ERP service(integrated with blockchain)
+ M4: (Dec 2022) Research Service Bus
+ M5: (2023) Implement Service bus
III. Technical
+ System ERP is based on Open Source(Apache OFBiz, Moqui,...).
+ Blockchain: Cardano.
+ Infrastructure: Kubernetes, Docker
+ Messaging: RabbitMQ
+ CMS: JackRabbit
+ Integration: Apache Camel
+ Database: PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch
+ Security: Apache Shiro
Our code is private, and we will set it as public in the future.
IV. Budget
We will use budget for:
- Customize current product to fit international requirements
- Research Cardano
- Integrate Bidding system to Cardano blockchain
- Phase 1: (4 months) 42,000$
+ Server: 3,300$
+ Blockchain developer: 8,000$
+ Process developer: 12,000$
+ UI/UX developer: 5,600$
+ Tester: 4,000$
+ Project Manager: 4,000$
+ Office: 2,800$
+ Others 2,300$
- Phase 2: 145,000$
- Phase 3: 33.000$
(After this phase, we can raise round A B C to market and sale or we raise IDO on Cardano)
You can see more detail in the following document:
- Vietnamese version:
- English version: comming soon
V. IDO Launchpad
After intergrate ours improved Bidding system with Cardano blockchain, we will IDO to leverage marketing and sale.
8 years of ERP experiences(Bidding system, ERP for some big corporations in VietNam).IT engineer graduated from big universities