Last updated 3 years ago
Things like minting, burning, tracking tokens or registering tokens is not accessible for non-technical users.
The webapplication coveres multiple workflows, but we want to keep it up-to-date and extended it with more features
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano features for everyone.
The webapplication coveres multiple workflows, but we want to keep it up-to-date and extended it with more features
Fullstack developer for about 10 years
Creator of
Plutus pioneer Cardano features for everyone
Often things like minting, burning, tracking tokens or registering tokens in the cardano-token-registry is not accessible for non-technical users. And with Alonzo there will be more and more usecases wich are not covered by userfriendly tools like Daedalus and are only acessible trough command line.
To solve the problem the opensource webapplication was founded. It already coveres multiple workflows, but we want to keep it up-to-date and extended it with more features and upcomming tasks wich ware not covered by the major wallets.
The webapplication coveres multiple workflows, but we want to keep it up-to-date and extended it with more features and upcomming tasks.
Planned features with the fund
-> Also show your ADA balance of your wallet - 500$
-> Better performance - 1000$
-> Burning tokens - 500$
-> Make policy lock time adjustable - 500$
-> Search for token fingerprint - 1000$
-> Browser for smart contracts - 5000$
-> Userinterface for smart contracts - 20000$
-> Online compiler for smart contracts - 10000$
-> Plutus playground instance - 3000$
-> ADA tracker (tree view to track ada flow starting at one transaction) - 5000$
-> Display current owner of tokens - 1000$
-> Registration for - 500$
-> You find always an open ear on cardano-tools telegram channel, where you can propose improvments or features, reported bugs are mostly fixed in hours:
All these tasks should be accomplished in within six months.
Already implemented features
## Browse
-> Show latest tokens including a comprehensive search feature
-> Show every detail present for a token
-> Extract policies directly from the chain so it can be displayed for every signle token
-> Read contens from the cardano-token-registry and display it in the details
-> Show policy lock dates and if it is already locked
-> Easily extract metadata for any token
## My tokens
-> By providing any address of your wallet you get a list of all your tokens with all details
## Minting
-> Easy form to configure your tokens
-> Supports also ineractive tokens:
-> Optional store data onchain when you dont want to rely on ipfs (for files less than 64kb)
-> Full control of metadata json
-> Mint multiple token at once
-> Reuse policy until locked
-> Select multiple files at once to prepare multiple tokens at automatically
-> No watermark in metadata
## Register token
-> Just fill the form and the token gets registered automatically (no need to run the offchain-metadata-tools by yourself)
-> Auto fill the form when you minted at
-> Tokens are merged quickly because is already known
Fullstack developer for about 10 years
Creator of
Plutus pioneer