Last updated 3 years ago
Cardano ecosystem is exploding outward & upward. It's increasingly difficult to easily & effectively track your assets across new projects
Build a consolidated dashboard to track ADA portfolio, native tokens & NFTs across various dapps & projects that a user has integrated with
This is the total amount allocated to Portfolio Tracker.
Build a consolidated dashboard to track ADA portfolio, native tokens & NFTs across various dapps & projects that a user has integrated with
RH: software engineer, previously ran Cardano stakepool & currently in EMURGO Cardano dev program. MB: information designer & data engineer
What is is building Cardano-focused visual portfolio tracker to enable investors to make informed, actionable decisions. It will be a singular place for investors to track their native assets, staking rewards, NFTs and DeFi products through a personalized dashboard. Insight-focused and analytics-driven, wants to make portfolio management in the Cardano ecosystem intuitive by design.
The Cardano world is busy. Busy researching, growing and challenging norms every single day. The people invested in Cardano projects are even busier. What's the most valuable thing you can give to busy people? Time. Time for community, time for growth, time for balance. wants to give time back to the Cardano community by removing the manual effort of tracking their Cardano assets and present insights in a visually-digestible format so that they can make decisions quickly
We believe that an informed investor is the best asset. But right now, Cardano investors are facing information overload from a smattering of sources. This doesn't lead to thoughtful, well-researched and planned moves--it leads to moves that are informed by the latest inputs of information an investor receives. The latest news is hardly the whole story. wants to tell the whole story and build an informed community invested in both their own portfolio performance and the network overall. Planned Features:
Long-term Vision:
We aim to build more than just a dashboard--we want to create and connect a community of Cardano investors, delegators and projects. In order to grow and govern this community, we'll launch our own OLIO token. OLIOs can be used to suggest and vote for new features as well as unlock advanced features like predictive portfolio insights. Team:
Richard H: Full stack software engineer with 10 years experience working in the fin-tech and ad-tech startup space.
Michele B: Data engineer and information designer with an MSc in Information Science and 6 years experience wrangling data into insights for companies in North America, Africa and Asia.
Cost breakdown:
Total: $20,000
*NB: We have startup AWS Activate credits worth ~$10,000 which will supplement the infrastructure costs of the DApp.
Phase 1 (Q3 2021)
Phase 2 (Q4 2021)
Phase 3 (Q1 2022)
Phase 4 (Q2 2022)
Definition of success :
3 months: Community groups with 1000 users for beta Portfolio feedback; beta Portfolio launched; stake pool with 500K ADA staked
6 months: Portfolio live with 2000 users; Visual Blockchain Explorer, Stake Pool Rankings & NFT Search launched; stake pool with 1m ADA staked
12 months: All planned features live; OLIO coin launched as mechanism for community forum for discussion & voting on future features
RH: software engineer, previously ran Cardano stakepool & currently in EMURGO Cardano dev program. MB: information designer & data engineer