Last updated 3 years ago
Online advertising is expensive, inefficient and lacks transparency, especially for small to medium businesses.
Create a social exchange platform to enable users to control their own profile of what they wish to seek or provide within the community.
This is the total amount allocated to Decentralised Advertising Platform..
Create a social exchange platform to enable users to control their own profile of what they wish to seek or provide within the community.
Our team of three people has experience in business, logistics, accounting, advertising, design and PKI cryptography.
FOURWORDS is a decentralised advertising and social exchange platform.
Users create a profile using four words to describe what they have to provide to the community, and four words to describe what they seek from the community. This builds the algorithm that actively sends and receives matches based on your profile in relation to the profiles in the community. This profile once activated seeks matches without your involvement day and night, collecting matches for you to view when you wish to reducing the time actively spent searching. Once a match is created between two profiles a messaging platform is available for the two users to communicate with to create an exchange. Once an exchange is created it is recorded on the blockchain and can be viewed by all users by creating a search contract of the blockchain. The first four words chosen for both providing and seeking for each profile are free of charge. Users can change their words or add more words to their profile for a fee. Users are incentivised to create profiles by being rewarded a percentage of the fees required for these payments for changing and adding words.
The platform is built by the users who add words into the app based on their requirements, in any language there are characters for on their device. Geo tagging allows users to show their localised area or nominate a target area to give or receive. Profiles also contain links to social media for extended searching opportunities. This app can also be used for building communities as well as promoting goods and services. Creating a search can take less than 4 seconds and requires no active screen time lost to "browsing through the millions of search results". Wallet integration gives this platform the final touch with the ability to make payments within the application, without the 10% fee from a platform like eBay for instance.
FOURWORDS is effectively a search engine for people, by people, controlled by the community.
Key Points moving FOURWORDS
FOURWORDS thinking
Our goals are simple...
Our funding estimates for creating the feasibility study and initial prototype development come to $8000 for the first three months.
$2000 for the feasibility study
$5000 for the initial prototype development
$1000 to identify a community
Our timeline for objectives over the length of the project consists of two stages.
Development Stage
1 Month: Identify test community, begin initial prototype development and outline test objectives.
3 Months: Complete feasibility study and test initial prototype development.
Adoption / Funding Stage
6 Months: Launch prototype within test community.
9 Months: Test, adjust and begin finalisation of prototype with community collaboration.
12 Months: Complete review of the finished application and finalise survey of community feedback.
12 - 18 Months: Public launch concurrent with new testing community.
Given this timeline our expected public launch date would be in the third quarter of 2022
Our team of three people has experience in business, logistics, accounting, advertising, design and PKI cryptography.