Last updated 3 years ago
Death often occurs when individuals are not found in time in disaster areas. The application would work with emergency services.
Allow people to sign up for tracking that would show their last position and be shared with emergency services in case of natural disaster.
This is the total amount allocated to Individuals Security Tracking.
Allow people to sign up for tracking that would show their last position and be shared with emergency services in case of natural disaster.
Experience with application development in the aviation industry for over 10 years but not with emergency services.
The goal would be to develop a simple application using smart contracts that would allow people to share some information with emergency services or individuals identified as primary point of contact. This would be not only used when an individual has a health issue (calling 911 for example) but also in situation for which a natural disaster occurs and the person needs to be located quickly. There is a chance that cell signal could possibly be lost at some point so working on some type of "ping" showing last known location if service isn't available would be addressing this issue. In addition, the application would try to send text message with last known location as it is sometimes easier whilst trying to get a cell signal. This could possibly integrate with other social applications (subject to agreement/authorization) given by the individual
Development would range from 8 to 11 months to get the GUI developed and the application coded/tested.
Experience with application development in the aviation industry for over 10 years but not with emergency services.