Last updated 3 years ago
Existing meditation apps are centralized and based on a suboptimal paywall model. Teachers need a better way to monetize their content.
Dyana : a Dapp where meditation content creators can enter the WEB 3.0 economy, using Nft's, pooling mechanisms and open governance.
This is the total amount allocated to Meditation empowered by blockchain.
Dyana : a Dapp where meditation content creators can enter the WEB 3.0 economy, using Nft's, pooling mechanisms and open governance.
Over 20 years of experience within the wellness industry, including 10 years running a digital studio and app based products.
There are a lot of content creators in meditative practices, but no place for them to land in the crypto ecosystem. They are mostly using apps such as Youtube and Instagram that are deeply unsatisfying for two main reasons :
No or very low revenue generated by the published content
No possibility to have a voice in the future of the service
On the other side, there are several highly successful projects based on paid subscriptions, yet they are also very centralized (very few teachers benefit from them), and their paywall model won't be attractive for the users in the Web 3.0 economy. We want to be the first ones to build a meditation project in crypto, and we need the support of the Cardano community to do it. We believe this will bring a whole new category of users to Cardano from the vast wellbeing sector.
Introducing the CARE token
The CARE token aims to be a general use token for people who share the values of the care philosophy, oriented toward health, inclusive well being and ecology. It will be created as a native token on Cardano, and its treasury will be managed by the community of holders in order to empower projects related with the care philosophy, the Dyana dapp being one of them.
User Experience
Dyana will be first experienced as a decentralized application for meditation practices. Teachers will be able to post their audio, videos and texts in order to propose exercises and knowledge to the participants.
Instead of a like button the interface displays a CARE button. Participants can use it to pool the amount of $CARE they choose in order to support the content creator, the system and the community and incentivize them to develop the related topic. They will also have the possibility to buy NFTs for more creative content.
Main sections of the Dapp :
- Home
latest contents published
Followed content creators
NFT art (music, photography, relaxing stories, graphic design)
- Meditations
Collections of still meditations.
Audio files with covers. Launches on click a full screen audio player.
- Movements
Collections of meditations in movement.
Videos with covers, launches on click a full screen video player.
- Retreats
Selling NFT tickets for retreats organized by the community
- Governance
Conviction voting on protocol evolution and natural health related funding
Antoine Cathalau
Antoine has been a project designer and meditation teacher for more than 10 years.
He co-founded Suki editions, a digital studio, in which he created ebooks, mobile apps and web projects related to holistic health.
Twitter : @AGarance, @SukiEditions
LinkedIn :
Claire Pichelin
Claire is the other co-founder of Suki editions. She has more than 10 years of experience of developing multimedia projects, including mobile apps for health (walking and Qigong), creating videos and marketing contents. She has been co-designing the Dyana project since its beginning. She has a master degree in communication.
Twitter : @Hypathie4, @SukiEditions
Bradley Heather
Brad is a blockchain engineer focused predominantly on Haskell and Plutus. He graduated from the second Plutus Pioneer cohort. He is also a Meditation Guide and Yoga Instructor.
Twitter : @BradleyHeathe15
David Trancart
David is a senior C++ developer. He has created apps for the Ariane space Team, Airbus industry, and many other high precision sectors.
Twitter : @daesdemon
Suki Editions is a company registered in France under this identifier : SIRET 79955289800022
website :
We are also a registered developer on the Apple Appstore :
And as a publisher on Amazon Kindle Store :
We are open to collaborations with mission driven members of the Cardano community that would like to join the project (currently looking for a front end developer).
Presentation website and social medias
Discord and community development
MVP development (focused on audio meditations first)
Token launch
MVP Public Beta: 30 selected teachers invited to publish their content
First 1000 users
Opening to all meditation content creators (audio and video)
10 000 users
1000 content creators
50 000 users
Governance system
(Quadratic/ conviction voting)
July 2022 : first real life retreat event for the community
Further developments
(This elements are outside the scope of this proposal but are essential to display the wider picture of the project)
Our long term vision for Dyana is to create a decentralized application for natural health, including practices such as meditation, yoga, qigong, nutrition and modern science. The goal is to study their interactions with AI as well as human consensus, in order to propose the most efficient combinations to the participants, in accordance with their health needs. It will be governed by its community and designed to become more and more efficient over time. It will be a link between prevention and cure, a bridge between traditional therapies and modern science.
Dyana will be built on four pillars :
- a decentralized knowledge base for prevention and well being.
- a network of practitioners, teachers, and users participating in a shared body-mind application.
- a personal health record and prevention assistant.
- a confirmation system for natural therapies.
These elements will be gradually combined to create a treasure of knowledge, governed by its community.
Project management : 4000
DAPP development : 15500
UX design: 2500
Communication : 2000
Community management : 2000
Additional costs : 500
TOTAL 26500
(Links provided are examples of previous achievement)
Over 20 years of experience within the wellness industry, including 10 years running a digital studio and app based products.