Last updated 3 years ago
Problem statement
How can we attract then show other business sectors the lessons learned from creating NFT Art applicable to them.
Use NFT Art to attract a wider audience, then use experience to create business solutions for other sectors.
This is the total amount allocated to NFT Business lessons.
Use NFT Art to attract a wider audience, then use experience to create business solutions for other sectors.
Our team has businessmen, programers, graphics designers, videographers and artists with over 40 years in sales and marketing.
Proposal description
Proposal Introduction
We have already helped artists CREATE MARKET and SELL over $750,000 of NFTs using the Cardano platform at This has given us invaluable experience that we intend to use to create solutions for the wider business community.
We will soon have a new website platform that will be complete with academy based training materials to help educate people on how to enter this space from various sectors.
Our next steps will see us offer NFT opportunities to SPORT MUSIC LITERATURE CLUBS and more.
We want to create simple solutions based on real world experiences.
To truly Make A Difference to the lives of millions of creative people worldwide. To empower them with education and tools that help them to monetise their creatives activities.
SKIN and JP are both creative forces that have also built successful business.
Skin has been painting for over 40 years with many celebrities in his port folio. JP is an award winning graphic designer and tattoo artist with a diverse set of digital skills.
Core Team & Roles:
Our enthusiasm for our mission has led to us attracting an amazing team.
SKIN- Co founder - Physical Art, Catalyst, Academy
JP - Co founder - Graphic designer, NFT creation,
Adam Dean - ADA payment solutions
Jay Davies - Stake pool developer
Jacob - In house co ordination
Josh Manly - company structure
Dan - Videographer
Sambo - Graphics
Steve - 3D Animation and collectables
Jonathon - Social media
Ryan Bevington - Financial planning
Holly Birch - Proof reader and content updates
Kathleen McGinty - Research and Admin
Debbie - Accounts
As businessmen and as a team, we spend all day thinking about how we can build platforms that provide real world solutions and applications for the Cardano eco system.
Great artists observe everything around them and then infuse what they see into a vision of how life can be.
The crypto space is an intimidating world to many and needs a large amount of demystification
We believe in our ability to take complex processes and transactions and turn them into easy to understand mass adoption solutions.
IMPACT - Testimonials so far.
We have already made a significant impact on the lives of the Artists that we have guided into this space.
We have deliberately worked with Artists from very diverse backgrounds to show other Artists that whatever their background they come from, they can enter this space and succeed.
Artist TestimonialsOver $100,000 raised from just these 3 artists check out their reactions and disbelief.Bas Van Gaalen -
Ellie Murphy -
Dino Tomic -
Education Academy Units
Your votes will help us fund and create an outstanding Academy.
W aim to create short videos and documents on all key points, we have listed just a few below, there will be many more.
Why crypto Why now?
What are NFTs and why should you start using them?
What price point and edition size should you go for?
How do I set up a digital wallet.
How do I create my first NFT and what will it cost me?
How can I set up the perfect social media profile?
How do I promote and engage my Circle of Influence into buying my NFTs?
How do I create an Effective Marketing Strategy for long term sustainable success?
How do I extend my reach and build customers around the world?
For us to continue at pace and scale this business up we will need to put significant input into all aspects of our platform.
Our main request for funding pertains to the production of assets and resources for our Academy.
Platform development costs.
Video and asset creation
Social media marketing to Artist groups.
7000 ADA per month
Auditability and key milestones
Our website will update all KPIs on a rolling weekly basis allowing us and the whole community to track our progress.
Typical numbers we will monitor will be.
How many Artists are registered
How many NFTs minted
How much cash created in sales
Average sale
Requested funds
21,000 ADA
Our team has businessmen, programers, graphics designers, videographers and artists with over 40 years in sales and marketing.