Last updated 3 years ago
Many legitimate businesses have had bank accounts frozen and credit card accounts terminated due to the perceived risk of their business.
Create a simple payment gateway for businesses to be able to use to accept Ada.
This is the total amount allocated to Payments for High Risk Businesses.
Create a simple payment gateway for businesses to be able to use to accept Ada.
Team members have over 40 years of combined IT experience in Systems and Network Architecture Disciplines.
Develop a simple payment gateway solution for businesses to be able to accept Cardano Ada as a payment method. The two immediate use cases are for both the Cannabis industries, as well as the Knife Making Industry. Both businesses traditionally are relegated to cash only payments, because of the threat of banks seizing funds, and credit card processors denying to do business with them. Now that the exchanging of Crypto Currency to Fiat (and vice versa) is considered to be low risk and acceptable with banks, these businesses can benefit from being able to accept payment in Crytpo, and mitigates complications with storage of funds if exchange for fiat.
Today there is already simple applications made for peer to peer payments using traditional fiat. These include Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo, and Zelle. No simple application yet exists for peer to peer crypto currency exchange.
This proposal would be for the development of an application that can integrate with modern biometric features of smart phones for security, storage of cardano (wallet), and simple payment interaction between parties.
Because of anticipated difficulties in being accepted by Apple for use as an iPhone/iPad application, this first phase would focus on an Android application. Apple based applications would be created at a point in the future.
For the application to be adopted, it will require an extensive ux/ui with extensive security testing. A typical application would cost roughly $50k-$100k to develop. We are requesting minimal seed funding to begin this development. Funding would be used for phase 1 to create the initial user interface demo app. Initial application development would likely have minimal functionality. Future phases to bring the application to market would require further investments. Capitol for future phases would be raised via future Catalyst Funds, and community investment in the project.
This proposal has been drafted by Digital Syndicate; a partnership between Huth S0lo and Eddie Diaz, also known as the Cardano Budz team. Both team members have significant Information Technology backgrounds, working at the highest levels of network and systems design. Both are active Cardano Community members, each running stakepools on mainnet and testnet. Both have participated in plutus pioneers v2.
Team members have over 40 years of combined IT experience in Systems and Network Architecture Disciplines.