Last updated 3 years ago
How do users know the origin and quality of fruits and vegetables when buying and eating?
-Automate the process and update real-time tracking data via IoT devices to Blockchain
-Building data retrieval applications
This is the total amount allocated to Pilot traceability of vegetables.
-Automate the process and update real-time tracking data via IoT devices to Blockchain
-Building data retrieval applications
10 years of experience building processes and participating in innovative projects in telecommunications companies
1. Fruits and vegetables when purchased will be labeled with identification labels (barcodes, QR codes, RFID, NGC, WSN, ...) and entered into the system as new products. All product information is digitized and stored (database is stored according to VietGAP unified standards as a basis for retrieval)
2. Using IoT devices (temperature sensors, humidity sensors, storage time monitoring devices) connected to the Blockchain
3. Using smart contracts in Blockchain to monitor quality control in real time
4. Build an interactive application with traceability customers with Blockchain
2 Weeks: Research to buy and install IOT products (Need 1500 ada)
2 Weeks: Installing IoT Devices
4 Weeks: Build a process to automatically digitize data (Need 500 ada)
10 Weeks: When there is a smart contract on Cardano it takes 10 weeks to put the data on the Blockchain (Need 1500 ada)
10 Weeks: Build a data retrieval application (Need 1500 ada)
10 years of experience building processes and participating in innovative projects in telecommunications companies