Last updated 3 years ago
Disinformation is a grave threat. The public is losing this information war. We need to incentivize the creation of better information.
A token-based rewards system for contributions for the Shared Reality platform, to support the frictionless flow of information.
This is the total amount allocated to Shared Reality - incentive token.
A token-based rewards system for contributions for the Shared Reality platform, to support the frictionless flow of information.
I am a web developer, developed the platform, and understand the defects in our information ecosystem.
The Shared Reality platform is here to upgrade our information ecosystem. This proposal will help get the most reliable information into the system as quickly as possible, so that the public can live in a shared reality around such important topics as: Was the 2020 US presidential election stolen? Was there evidence of obstruction and collusion in the Mueller Report? Does Donald Trump suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Were we all lied into the Iraq War and, if so, was that a crime? Was 9/11 an inside job? Are we currently bring brought through the process of Active Measures and towards Civil War in the United States? Are vaccines and autism related? Etc, etc...
Disinformation can only survive because of two defects in our information ecosystem:
That's what the Shared Reality platform is all about. One key step in fulfilling our mission of bringing the best information to the public is: incentivizing specialists to providing that information.
This proposal is meant to raise the funds needed to design and create a token on Cardano. Then, that token will be used to reward specialists (and others) for submitting information to the Shared Reality platform. This will build documents of unparalleled neutrality and completeness on any controversial topic.
I am a web developer, developed the platform, and understand the defects in our information ecosystem.