Last updated 3 years ago
Low-scope dApps - especially indie games - that integrate NFTs are often ineffective at drawing new users into the ecosystem.
Integrate NFTs and Ikigai Technology's tech stack into a free-to-play card-based mobile fighting game in Unity - Upper/Cut!
This is the total amount allocated to Upper/Cut! Unity Card Game dApp.
Integrate NFTs and Ikigai Technology's tech stack into a free-to-play card-based mobile fighting game in Unity - Upper/Cut!
Brian Park - Dev Lead, Animator, 7 years of software & managerial experience
Michael Yagi - Shipped 3 titles @2K Interactive
+2 Senior Devs
Upper/Cut! is a turn-based PVP card game in the style of an arcade fighter. Players will sequence and submit their turns simultaneously, and then watch how each round resolves.
Aside from the turn-based nature of the game, the pace of Upper/Cut! follows the flow of a typical fighting game match. Fighters start in a neutral board state, where they might use zoning tools (in the form of cards) and movement to space themselves in relation to their opponent. Going on the offensive requires substantial risk, but putting pressure on the opponent can put them in a position that limits their defensive options. Finally, the card discount system and ramping mana means that players can fluidly string together powerful combos by playing their cards in the right sequence.
The game is designed to be free-to-play, with premium players paying for cosmetics or early access to new fighters. This monetization will occur through NFT integration. Whereas other NFT-based games fall into the trap of requiring players to pay a significant amount of money upfront, Upper/Cut! can function as a viable alternative model that demonstrates the exciting features of the technology without falling into predatory practices.
NFTs will be tied directly to the type of cosmetics that show up in game. If a user owns an NFT, they may choose to equip alternate card art and animations in the menu between games.
In the long term, the team aims to create cosmetics based on user-submitted content, and split the profits of NFT sales with the artists. Early on, I would hope to commission artists, but as time goes on, allowing users to submit new art to a pool and investing in a pipeline for existing NFT owners to vote which cosmetics get minted as new NFTs could provide interesting avenues for user engagement. Note that the first set of concept art has already been commissioned and completed, although they have not been minted as NFTs yet. An example of the 'Uppercut' card concept art is attached below.
The success of this project in relation to Cardano is easily indicated by several key metrics.
- Total transactions of Upper/Cut! NFTs
- Number of downloads and active players
- Community engagement in the official Discord channel
We hope to officially launch in the latter half of 2022.
The game has a working, playable prototype that was built in Python via Discord's api. See the official game design document below for more information.
The official game is built in Unity using DOTS (data oriented technology stack). The game is server authoritative, and much of the game logic of the server has already been built and implemented. We are aiming to polish the client version of the game, as well as add more art and animation assets to complete the experience. Funds from this Catalyst Round would enable us to directly connect in game cosmetics with NFTs, as well as implement a "choreographer" animation system that makes matches feel more dynamic and flashy. In addition, we will use the funds to polish the ui of the client app and make sure the experience is intuitive and pleasant.
Read more at the official game design document here:
Relevant Experience (continued)
Game Industry Advisors:
Defining Success
A ton of work has already been done! The design, design boards, proof of concept in a discord bot (invite for playtesting will be made available shortly. Respond in a comment for an early invite), prototype are all completed. Taking it from here with a bigger team will require some thoughtful planning as the team learns how to work together successfully and integrate NFTs.
1 month in
3 months in
6 months in
8 months in
Expected Launch Date: Q2 2022
Developer Costs ($14,500):
Senior Engineer (Because this is also a passion project, development will continue all the way up to funding. Some resources will be reserved to compensate the work done up until funding) = $8,000
Senior Engineer (Rest of compensation will come from sales of game) = $6,500
DigiPen Intern (Cost subsidized by Ikigai Technologies) = Free
Artist Costs ($5,000):
Characters, animations, UI, level, environment, cosmetics = $5,000
Website ($500):
Website, discord bot and community engagement = $500
Marketing ($0):
Marketing, sales, and outreach = Free as complimentary from Ikigai Technologies Team
Total ($20,000)
Brian Park - Dev Lead, Animator, 7 years of software & managerial experience
Michael Yagi - Shipped 3 titles @2K Interactive
+2 Senior Devs