Last updated 3 years ago
Cardano wallet addresses lack readability and familiarity.
We provide a tool for generation of vanity addresses. Vanity addresses end with a cool human-readable word.
This is the total amount allocated to Vanity Address Generator.
We provide a tool for generation of vanity addresses. Vanity addresses end with a cool human-readable word.
We have already created a working wallet and integrated it with Ledger hardware wallets.
So many possibilities!
Proof of concept
How does it work?
Adaly vanity address generator can be run in an offline air-gapped machine. You will get a Ledger passphrase as a result. Passphrase is used with Ledger Nano XÂ or Ledger Nano SÂ to open the wallet with the desired fancy address.
Wallet support
Yoroi, Adalite and Adaly wallets support the Ledger hardware wallets.
Funding will be used to pay for the development of the vanity generator and writing the how-to manual.
$9,939 Development of the vanity generator
$2,000 Writing of how-to manual
Definition of Success
Product is shared with the public before 3/6/12 months.
Final product
If successful, the vanity generator will be shared December 15th 2021 through a GitHub and posted on the 'Adaly Wallet' Twitter account.
We have already created a working wallet and integrated it with Ledger hardware wallets.