Last updated 2 years ago
The legal dispute resolution space suffers from an antiquated reputation model, ethical dilemmas, and little use of helpful technology.
A marketplace with certified mediators, financial guarantees via Plutus, and convenient technology that enhances the mediation process.
This is the total amount allocated to Win-Win Dispute Resolution.
A marketplace with certified mediators, financial guarantees via Plutus, and convenient technology that enhances the mediation process.
A team of a dozen developers, Plutus pioneers, legal experts, dispute resolution specialists.
For a better reading experience, consider opening the proposal on GitHub by following the website link.
Win-Win is a decentralized dispute resolution platform and marketplace built on the Cardano blockchain. It allows disputing parties to find a suitable mediator to help resolve their conflict in a timely and cost-effective manner outside the court system. The marketplace enables mediators to focus on the mediation process without having to engage in often questionable business boosting practices; cases flow to mediators for a small percentage of their mediation fee.
A Primer on Mediation
Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process that allows disputing parties to come up with their resolution that ideally satisfies the interests of all parties.
On page 266, Carrie J Menkel-Meadow, Lela Porter-Love, Andrea Kupfer-Schneider, and Michael Moffitt write in Dispute resolution: Beyond the adversarial model (published by Aspen Publishers in 2005):
"[It is] a process in which an impartial third party acts as a catalyst to help others constructively address and perhaps resolve a dispute, plan a transaction, or define the contours of a relationship"
A mediator, usually a neutral third party with no prior connection to any of the parties, controls the process of the mediation, but not the outcome. Ultimately, mediation allows for parties to collaboratively solve their dispute.
This is in stark contrast to litigation, where parties are becoming increasingly entrenched throughout the process as adversaries.
Mediation within communities and the workplace have become common. Depending on the type of case and jurisdiction, parties may be required to seek mediation prior to being permitted into the court room. As mediation has an extremely high success rate in the upper ninety percent range, many cases never make it into litigation.
As the term mediator is not protected, anyone can claim to be a mediator. However, a skilled mediator has commonly gone through an extensive training program. Certified mediators on Win-Win have advanced degrees in Conflict Resolution or Law in addition to having graduated from effective mediation training programs.
Some mediations may also require special subject matter expertise, as discussed on Ken Adam's livestream:
Most importantly, mediators are great listeners. Parties will be heard --- something that the court system cannot guarantee.
Problems of the current mediation system vs Solutions through Win-Win
#1 Problem: Trusting Credentials
Parties cannot easily verify mediators' credentials, and the number of innacurate or even false credentials in the field is increasing constantly in the last years.
Solution: Trust
Universities and peacebuilding organizations verify their graduates on Cardano. Parties have access to professional mediators and can check their certifications.
#2 Problem: Mediation process slow to start
Conflicting parties do not have months to start the mediation process when they are ready to kill each other, and the current process to set up a mediation might take that long.
Solution: Convenience
Parties find mediators specialized for their case instantaneously through our DApp. Clients flow to qualified mediators, according to their availability.
#3 Problem: No refund/payment guarantees
Mediators may favor the party who pays their fees first. Mediators sometimes have to run after their money. Parties have no refund guarantees on a no-show by the mediator.
Solution: Smart contracts
Refunds and payments are handled by smart contracts. The mediator doesn't know who paid first, therefore lower risk of bias in the mediation process. The parties are refunded in case of a no-show by the mediator.
#4 Ethical mediators don't have repeat clients
As the DevOps of Conflict Resolution, mediation helps parties to solve not only their acute, but also future disputes.
Good for the world, but bad for business.
Mediators focus on the process
Win-Win pre-selects suitable mediators for any given case. On Win-Win, mediators can focus on doing their work, and not trying to be the loudest on social media.
Our team site ( ) has additional information on each team member incl. LinkedIn and/or Github links.
Matthias Sieber
Emma Enriquez
Eli Selkin, L.C.S.W., M.S
Victor Corcino
Ganesh N
Angela Gatende
Ryan Kirsch
Nana Kwadwo Safo
David Bradley
Darya Leylian
Afredo Arriola Jr.
Christopher Holder
Q1 2022:
Q2 & Q3 2022:
Budget Breakdown
Eli, Ganesh, and Matthias are part of Gimbalabs' Plutus Project Based Learning (PPBL) Team - see
As there is overlap between coming up with solutions to the challenges of this proposal and creating educational content as part of the PPBL Team, this proposal is in part funded by Gimbalabs. This reduces some of the labor costs and is reflected in the funds requested.
Furthermore, Win-Win is part of CardStarter's Hack Cardano! hackathon and has a shot of winning prize money and development support. In the event that Win-Win receives such an award, the funds here requested will be used to accelerate development and integration of features that are planned for a later date.
Total $25000 broken down:
Project sustainability
Once developed, Win-Win will generate income by charging a small, one-digit percent fee on every mediation process that happens through the platform. By then, the project will no longer need funding through Catalyst or other means, and it will be sustainable for the long term.
UX/UI Designers/Developers wanted
You can see our first draft of our UX for the DApp in this YouTube video:
We are looking for additional team members to sharpen up the user experience.
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NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
A team of a dozen developers, Plutus pioneers, legal experts, dispute resolution specialists.