Last updated 3 years ago
Even though lots of people need help building things on Cardano, it is still hard for them to find & connect with DEVs to do freelance tasks
A gamified marketplace people can post development bounties that DEVs can earn ADA and other Native Assets doing freelance work on projects
This is the total amount allocated to ADA MakerSpace Bounty Hunters DEVX.
A gamified marketplace people can post development bounties that DEVs can earn ADA and other Native Assets doing freelance work on projects
I've been experimenting with Cardano smart contract development since before fund1, and produced many open source lessons with other DEVs
This would be a decentralized exchange for development work on Cardano blockchain, where people needing things developed could post ADA and other native digital assets as bounties into smart contracts that represent jobs(tasks) that DEVs could preform and receive the bounties from smart contracts on approved submitted work.
This will create more economic opportunities for DEVs worldwide, and make it easier from entrepreneurs/startups to find and work with DEVs because the smart contract will act as the escrow and the community and gamified leaderboard will showcase the top talent.
The Hackathon was a minimal viable product and proved people wanted ways to connect with DEVs and would post about projects and shared needs
And the Sponsored Challenges ADA MakerSpace raised were proof of the concept that businesses and startups will pay bounties, as this POC has over $8,000 in bounties for DEVs
The next steps would be to take what we learned from the hackathon participation and update the site for a better UI/UX and develop and test the smart contracts for tasks&bounties.Â
$10,000 to develop smart contracts for Bounties (2-3 DEVs paid from this)
$8,000 to develop front-end user interface (2-3 DEVs paid from this)
100% of funding received will provide DEVs funding that work on this project
 3-6 Months after funding is received we would deliver fully functional DEV Bounty Platform as a Service to post development bounties with smart contract escrows.
I've been experimenting with Cardano smart contract development since before fund1, and produced many open source lessons with other DEVs