Last updated 3 years ago
We need community engagement around meditation practices in order to develop empathy and clarity, which will bring more value in return.
A Cardano meditation network in digital and real life, beginning with a program designed to address the specific needs of developers.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano meditation network.
A Cardano meditation network in digital and real life, beginning with a program designed to address the specific needs of developers.
Over 20 years of experience within the wellness industry, including 10 years running a digital studio and app based products.
The highest creative potential depends on the mind's clarity and open vision, yet blockchain project development is often an emotional roller coaster.
As part of the Dyana project, we propose to create community events to develop and deepen the practice of meditation applied to developers' needs. During 6 months we will have weekly meetings on Zoom and develop a Discord community, where we can share the best practices for mental well being. We will dive deeper into the links between mindfulness and creativity, and learn some moving meditations as well.
Being part of a meditation community will help participants in their practice and create a more impactful experience. This will lead to deeper knowledge of the developers needs regarding mental health, and to the creation of the related meditation set.
It will also be the first building block of a meditation network for the Cardano community. At the end of this first phase, each participant will receive an NFT certificate. The community will be incentivized with the Care token to create local meditation groups, with digital and real life presence.
We will then expand the network to the global public...
Qualities we will focus on : happiness, clarity of mind, creativity, empathy, capacity to embrace a large vision and deep understanding.
Antoine Cathalau
Antoine has been a project designer and meditation teacher for more than 10 years.
He co-founded Suki editions, a digital studio, in which he created ebooks, mobile apps and web projects related to holistic health and eastern philosophy.
Twitter : @AGarance, @SukiEditions
LinkedIn :
Claire Pichelin
Claire is the other co-founder of Suki editions. She has more than 10 years of experience of developing multimedia projects, including mobile apps for health (walking and Qigong), creating videos and marketing contents. She has been co-designing the Dyana project since its beginning. She has a master degree in communication.
Twitter : @Hypathie4, @SukiEditions
Bradley Heather
Brad is a blockchain engineer focused predominantly on Haskell and Plutus. He graduated from the second Plutus Pioneer cohort. He is also a Meditation Guide and Yoga Instructor.
Twitter : @BradleyHeathe15
Suki Editions is a company registered in France under this identifier : SIRET 79955289800022
website :
We are also a registered developer on the Apple Appstore :
And as a publisher on Amazon Kindle Store :
Public launch date
If this proposal is funded, our first meditation session will be just one week after the publication of the official results.
Definition of success
After 3 months : 100 participants engaged in a regular practice. A growing community of happy and creative developers with deep empathy and vision.
After 6 months : 500 participants engaged in a regular practice. The community keeps the project alive by creating both real and digital meditation circles.
After 12 months : 5 000 participants and more bringing a new public to Cardano.
Project management :1500
Communication : 1800
Live Meditation sessions (with preparation and community talks ) : 24*120$ = 2880
Community management : (5h/w) *24*30$ = 3600
Final recorded set of meditations : 1200
Material (Audio and video, hardware upgrade for editing) : 700
Additional costs (Zoom plan, website, unexpected expanses) : 300
TOTAL : 11980
Dyana is a meditation and natural health project developing on Cardano. It aims to bring community, blockchain and AI together to efficiently change our relationship to health and well being.
Over 20 years of experience within the wellness industry, including 10 years running a digital studio and app based products.