Last updated 3 years ago
WLP onboard, educate, incubate accelerator reduces effort&friction while compressing time&space between pro-development phases, non-existent
This is the total amount allocated to CCC: Work|Live|Play@MOA.
MOA, DLRGroup and City of Bloomington via CCC partner with 23 years of complex commercial construction oversight and invite IOG engagement.
MOA=Mall of America, Bloomington, Minnesota U.S.
CCC=Cardano Creative Commons, Bloomington, Minnesota U.S.
The Big Picture:
5 Year Objective:
Action Now:
Starting With Cultivating Developer Community...
1. General Spacial Design of The Work, Live, Play Complex: DLRGroup. Complete design would come after successful implementation and signing of "ADA Influencer" smart contract with ADA Influencer(s). (Same design group who developed the approved water park and who have been involved in all development stages of MOA)
2. Provide WLP Complex design oversight by a seasoned professional construction officer with over 23 years of hands on top-level management experience (building major hospitals).
3. Use the designs to secure an MOU with Cardano Ecosystem "ADA Influencers" to construct a highly incentivized tokenomics plan, including the creation of x number of additional stake pools and integration of smart contract guaranteeing delegation for years option in exchange for highest ADA loyalty rewards based off of revenue from the Accelerator Portal Ride, "Gift/Gratitude" smart contract value-flow code inserted into Cardano Multiversity Members' smart contracts and the smart contracts of CCC Incubators. CCC delegators will effectively be able to enjoy value-flow from the projects of all Life-Long Multiversity Members and CCC incubated projects including but not limited to distributed finance, insurance, healthcare, food production and distribution, education, real estate, government automation etc.
To achieve this accelerated objective, Cardano Creative Commons has developed a strategy to leverage a 40 million in person visitors per year traffic stream to Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota by first designing a phenomenally functional:
• Onboard
• Educate
• Incubate
Work, Live, Play Accelerator Portal Complex
Cardano Creative Commons (CCC) @ Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota U.S. would become a multi-story Work, Live, Play complex connected by skyway to a $300M water park (already separately, fully funded and approved; breaking ground spring 2022). The Mall of America, including the water park is the largest mall in North America. Currently, MOA receives over 40 million visitors per year not counting an additional estimated 800,000 visitors per year to the water park.
*************BIGGEST TAKEAWAY***************
The "GUARANTEED DELEGATION FOR YEARS" SMART CONTRACT will create enormous project confidence among tag-along smart contract bound stake pool delegators at the highest loyalty rewards as well as confidence created by standard delegators with opportunity-risk-matched loyalty rewards as the project will be virtually GUARANTEED 100% ADA REWARDS FOR YEARS FOR CCC!!! This guaranteed rewards flow will be collateralized for short term financing to build project and generate immediate cash flow upon completion via the "Cardano Accelerator Portal" ride, apartment rent and long term smart contract value-flow from Multiversity Alumni and incubation projects from sample projects listed above and others.
Cardano Creative Commons (CCC) Comprehensive Facility Walk-Through
Onboard: "Cardano Accelerator Portal" ride
Let's start with the facility as a whole and then work our way up from the ground floor, while moving from physical-local to virtual-global. First, lets create a common orientation. Checkout the aerial photo of the water park and the adjacent parking facility connected via a skyway on the left of the main proposal photo. The skyway would be the approach to the top of an escalator leading directly to the "Cardano Accelerator Portal" (CAP) ride where the water park parking illustration is on the left-hand side of the photo. As the MOA visitors walk through the skyway towards the CAP they will be visually engaged via a video playing within the CAP lobby but visible from the frame of the skyway "tunnel-vision" with a gradual reveal of a larger screen as the visitor approaches. The top of the escalator is the "event horizon" drawing the visitor into the Cardano "Accelerator Portal" onboarding experience. As the visitor descends, more is revealed encouraging the visitor to become a curious explorer of possibilities with visual previews of what to expect. The story begins even before tickets are purchased.
The estimated maximum throughput per hour as currently anticipated according to ride designer Cavu is 1,280 riders/hour maximum capacity at roughly $20/rider with a fraction of the riders choosing the post show "Multiversity Portal" experience.
(See and VOTE for: "CCC:PRISM RIDE @MOA; 40M Visits/yr" )
Once tickets purchased, there are three principal components:
• Pre-Show
o Pre-show sets the stage regarding the adventure, establishing the "why", the quest and the anticipated reward. Riders will be prompted to download Atala PRISM to complete the ride experience. They will be entertained and engaged as they are invited to tap into the wealth creating possibilities of building a credentials portfolio and using it to unlock new opportunities.
• Show
o The actual ride will be a state-of-the-art virtual reality, motion-based ride with custom accelerator portal vehicles which will enable participants to leap dimensions and "experience" Cardano while gathering the credentials they need to ascend to the Cardano Multiversity. Upon completion of the ride experience, the riders will have earned a credentials badge which they will add to their Atala PRISM credentials portfolio indicating they are "Cardano Multiversity: Leap Ready".
• Post Show
o The QRCode for the badge they stored within their credentials wallet will allow them to access the literal Multiversity Portal within the post show transporter room with their first name appearing above their leap station.
o There will be a flurry of activity prompting those who have their "Leap Ready" badge to "Stand-By To Leap!"
o "Lock Leapers!"
o Via special visual and audio effects, it will appear the rider disappeared while they were actually raised to the 2nd floor Cardano Multiversity by an invisible "deus ex machina" / robotic arm.
o Those who have taken the leap of faith may watch a looped informational video presentation in a theatre setting with an in-depth description of what Cardano Multiversity has to offer in-person and online including the Cardano Multiversity Experience, Value-Flow Entrepreneurialism/Wealth Stream Creation and how to join the work, Live, Play community at Cardano Creative Commons, Mall of America.
(The actual flow of the show and determining factors of who leaps {self-selected? some or all?} to "Cardano Multiversity" and who doesn't is to be determined.)
Note: A separate Work, Live, Play residential visitors lobby would be on the north-east corner of the building entering from 24th Ave S. Also included in residential amenities would be a health club, yoga studio, float spa and sauna as well as a larger general community room and sky club room on the top floor with views of jets taking off from MSP just a few blocks away.
Hidden from public view, underground with controlled access will be a physically, electrically, hydrostatically, hydraulically and magnetically hardened state of the art network operating center "Cardano Cloud" "disaster proof" hosting facility completely dedicated to supporting onboard, educate, incubate accelerated value-flow Cardano ecosystem. Network Operators could live onsite in the residential portion of the building, with 24/7/365 onsite support.
Educate: Cardano Multiversity
(See and VOTE for: "CCC: Cardano Multiversity MVP" )
2nd Floor: Cardano Multiversity will be the physical manifestation of the virtual education opportunities available to every connected human on the planet. It will also house state of the art in person, synchronous and asynchronous distance learning hybrid spaces, live streaming and content creation "co-labs" including social media synchronized and automated multiplatform simulcasting. The local community and traveling learners will have access to Cardano Education Professionals who are committed to accelerated onboarding, education and facilitating incubation and connecting those with skills to those who need skilled Cardano Professionals for their projects.
Incubate: Globally Connected Coworking
(See and VOTE for: "CCC: Reset Ready?|Value-Flow Wealth" [Onboard, Educate and Incubate Businesses] )
3rd Floor: Incubator will be the most forward-thinking coworking spaces available just blocks south of the Minneapolis Saint Paul International Airport (MSP). The acceleration objective will be met by introducing newly Cardano certified professionals with those who are actively incubating projects. The freedom and sovereignty of individuals will be enhanced by offering maximum flexibility to create one's own work-life balance by working how when and where an individual wants without having to travel to work for those who reside at Work|Live|Play @ Cardano Creative Commons, Mall of America.
4th Floor and up. Depending upon financing, we could build as high as 94 ft or what the FAA or airport commission will allow. Living connected to Mall of America and the water park provides a climate-controlled space to stretch your legs, shop, dine, play and just decompress. Every day for 2 hours before stores are open in MOA, the mall is wide open and very peaceful for morning walkers to get their steps in surrounded by trees, pools, fountains and massive amounts of natural light via skylights. Anyone who is actively engaged with the Cardano ecosystem will be able to engage and disengage at will, take a nap, workout, swim, livestream, study, collaborate whenever and wherever they please and for as long as they wish, taking breaks when they want/need to.
Cardano Creative Commons cash-flow strategy is very unique and is based completely upon a conceptual incentivized accelerated stake pool saturation "Giving-Gratitude" smart contract loyalty rewards program. With our strategy there would be no need to offer equity and any debt could be retired relatively quickly due to our mix of incentivized "Guaranteed Delegation For Term/Years" option.
Example: Let's say "ADA Influencers" opted to delegate 10M ADA to 10 stake pools for 5 years via a "Gift/Gratitude" smart contract in exchange for a loyalty rewards token which will ultimately be used to calculate loyalty rewards to be paid in ADA based on the revenue generated from ride sales and smart contract income from Multiversity Community Member Members and incubated projects. The guaranteed delegator commitment would attract other delegators whose loyalty rewards would be reflected by their loyalty as measured by their commitment to the Cardano Creative Commons project and for how long. If "ADA Influencers" stepped forward, the CCC facility could be designed and proposed to the City of Bloomington for inclusion in the 2022 ground breaking of the water park across the street AND CCC would be eligible for a $5 million TIF flexibility grant. The 10M ADA guaranteed delegation per stake pool would build ethos among potential interested delegators and would build momentum for increased and ongoing support for the CCC project. The city would have a globally connected school and a showcase facility to win over the global site selection committee for the 2027 World Expo. Bloomington finished in the top 3 sites worldwide for the 2023 World Expo.
Key Performance Indicators:
Designer created common reference designs to contribute to facility scope, time-frame and financing dialogue
Key construction stakeholders engaged
Dates set to meet with City of Bloomington for approval and potential $5 million TIF financing cash contribution to project
IOG and Cardano Foundation engaged to transform from concept to reality
MOA, DLRGroup and City of Bloomington via CCC partner with 23 years of complex commercial construction oversight and invite IOG engagement.