Last updated 3 years ago
Learning new code language is a barrier for Dev's, give them the ready-made code & info', how to customise quickly for common use-cases
GUI environments allowing modular building of apps using standardised code, to customise quickly & directory of Dev contractors for hire
This is the total amount allocated to dApp Templates & GUI dApp Modules.
GUI environments allowing modular building of apps using standardised code, to customise quickly & directory of Dev contractors for hire
23 Years online starting with a book on HTML in 1998
Welcome! Thank you for visiting this proposal,
The objective is to get more developers building the ecosystem on Cardano, OK! Let's make it easy for them.
Language barriers
One barrier to entry for Ethereum based developers is learning the Haskel Language, the answer would be to give the main code blocks for popular applications fully ready. This would allow the developers get a basic application up and running on the blockchain quickly.
Then instructions could be given showing how to customise the user experience, look and feel.
If additional functionality is required, they could hire a Haskel/plutus developer to finish the work, which would be more efficient in time and finances.
Basic Code Templates
As there are only so many application models it should also be possible to give complete basic templates for example stand-alone wallet, browser wallet DEX, NFT platform, retail point of sale, online checkout payments, smart contracts (with different features), stable coin etc.
Customisable platform
Another approach would be to create a foundation framework, like an open source content management system for websites, where modules could be uploaded to increase and add certain functionality.
Developer Contracting Platform
The other way to build the number of applications operating on the Cardano blockchain is to create an easy way for people to contract with trained developers in the crypto space, some people have more money than time or skills.
These people may be very creative or recognise a problem to solve, so a platform similar to Upwork or Fiverr would facilitate the linkup and development of multiple ideas & projects.
The way forward
I am happy to work on this with my team & contractors, work with others in the Cardano space or develop the foundation and then step behind a decentralise team. Let me get started building a team of like-minded individuals and then decentralise the operation for maximum efficiency.
Thank you for reading our proposal, looking forward to responding to any queries.
Best wishes,
Carl Henry
To be Powered By:
Carl Henry Linkedin:
Road Map/Action Plan
This project is ready for immediate development, available to the public within 2 months. long term funding will be by launching the "CHG" Cardano native Token. We may apply for funding in Catalist 7 & 8 if the correct challenges are included.
Cardano Native Token Created "CHG"
3 Month Roadmap
Build a website platform to demonstrate the various code blocks & modules.
Build a directory of Haskel & Plutus developers (target 500 developers).
Build a multilingual contractors platform to link up employers and developers on the Cardano ecosystem.
Start publishing standardised application models & modules for the main types of applications.
Develop online multilingual documentation (English plus 3 others)
6 Month Roadmap
Continue the refinement of 3 month objectives, improve and expand the services & code blocks.
Launch the contractors platform to link up employers and developers on the Cardano ecosystem.
Continue to grow the directory of Haskel & Plutus developers (target 1,000 developers).
Continue the development of online multilingual documentation into more languages.
Develop a standardised method of translating the front-end language of all applications.
12 Month Roadmap
Become the primary source for developers & advisors in the crypto/blockchain industry running a multi-national platform on Cardano (target 5,000 developers & advisors).
Social Media - Carl Henry Global
Cardano IdeaScale - 27 Insights & 10 Projects Submitted
Carl Henry Global is committed to working with the Cardano Ecosystem and working to improve it, if you would like to see our other submissions please visit our profile:
Budget Line Items
$5,000.00 Website for example code & modules
$20,000.00 Developers to write code & module examples
$20,000.00 Website platform for developer contractors (Directory)
$5,000.00 Administration, data entry & Research
$4,000.00 Translations - websites & documentation
$8,000.00 Developers of protocol for standardised app translations
$10,000.00 Outreach, Marketing & social media costs
23 Years online starting with a book on HTML in 1998