Last updated 3 years ago
NFTs mostly live on one chain, which makes onboarding new users very hard, especially when they already own NFTs on other chains.
We want to build a bridge between Cardano and Ethereum for NFTs and integrate that in the NFT-MAKER PRO API.
This is the total amount allocated to ETH-Cardano NFT Bridge [NFT-MAKER|.
We want to build a bridge between Cardano and Ethereum for NFTs and integrate that in the NFT-MAKER PRO API.
Our team is behind NFT-MAKER and NFT-MAKER PRO - the two most used NFT creation tools on Cardano. In the Cardano space since 2017.
To achieve wide-spread adoption of NFTs it is clear that NFTs can not only live on one chain. Because of this, we want to build an easy-to-use NFT bridge that is implemented in our NFT-MAKER PRO API. Using this API users will be able to easily move their NFTs from one chain to another and back.
4 months after receiving the funding we will have fully the bridge into NFT-MAKER PRO.
Definition of success:
Using the NFT-MAKER PRO API or user interface users will be able to generate locking endpoints for their NFT end have the NFT reminted on another chain in a wrapped format.
Our team is behind NFT-MAKER and NFT-MAKER PRO - the two most used NFT creation tools on Cardano. In the Cardano space since 2017.