Last updated 3 years ago
There are many developers in Ukraine, Russia, Eastern Europe and they will be happy to have all necessary information in these languages
This is the total amount allocated to Localize in Ukrainian and Russian.
Project Catalyst Fund1 participant, active in Cardano community, big experience with translations (including crypto)
As the Cardano ecosystem grows, there is a bigger need for localization and translations.Â
Checking the winner-proposals of previous funds, there were several winners of "Localization" proposals. Therefore I decided to submit this proposal and try to contribute with my knowledge of the languages I'm fluent in Ukrainian and Russian.
After many conversations with people in the Cardano ecosystem, here is my understanding of what should be translated:
- Interfaces of Cardano projects, dapps, sites. (Some of them have teams and budget for this, but other - not. We would be happy to help)
- Translation of Plutus Pioneers program (subtitles)
- Translation (subtitles) for other Cardano tutorials, workshops (i.e. Adamakerspace)
- Translation of the main articles, news from the Cardano ecosystem Â
- Translation of the main updates by Charles Hoskinson
- Translation of Project Catalyst
We would be happy to hear your thoughts about what should be translated according to your opinion
About team: Andrii Voloshyn - Project Catalyst Fund1 participant, active in Cardano community, big experience with translations (including crypto)
Several people with the knowledge of crypto space and fluency in the languages showed the interest to contribute and you can contribute as well!
Project Catalyst Fund1 participant, active in Cardano community, big experience with translations (including crypto)