Last updated 3 years ago
Yoroi has not been localized for the Vietnamese language. which leads to many mistakes and difficult use for Vietnamese
Translate all text in Yoroi into Vietnamese and provide a file Yoroi developers need to localize Yoroi into the Vietnamese language.
This is the total amount allocated to Localize Yoroi for Vietnam market.
Translate all text in Yoroi into Vietnamese and provide a file Yoroi developers need to localize Yoroi into the Vietnamese language.
Hieu and I are SPOs and we have been working on localization and translation for many projects in Hewlett Packard and other's academies
a. Problem statement:
(for Vietnamese, I share my idea in the youtube link below)
Yoroi is a light wallet for Cardano. It's simple, fast, and secure so that Yoroi looks to be a day-to-day wallet for Cardano users. Performing transactions on a software that uses a language other than the mother tongue often makes users more cautious, slow to operate, and often makes mistakes. This is also a barrier that prevents users from using yoroi or accessing Cardano's ecosystem
The solution here is to add the Vietnamese language to the Yoroi wallet's available language list. This will help users feel closer, more trusting with Yoroi, and want to have more access to Cardano's ecosystem.
b. Deliverables:
We will translate and localize the language of Yoroi wallet for Vietnamese language users within the first 3 months after receiving the budget and keep updating, refining for one year.
c. Benefits to Cardano Ecosystem:
As Emurgo claims (( ), Yoroi is the metamask of the Cardano ecosystem, a native digital wallet that can be the cornerstone to easily interact between the dApps and its blockchain plays a very important role for users. So adding a native language (Vietnamese) to yoroi will help the user's application development communities find yoroi more friendly, more confident in conducting transactions and developing dApps.
d. The team:
Translator: Nguyen Anh Tien, founder of the VILAI stake pool, computer science experts, working in the Cardano/Crypto space since 2018.
Deploying many payment systems for major banks, financial institutions, and telecommunications in Vietnam
Translator: Nguyen Van Hieu, founder of HADA stake pool, member of Plutus Pioneer Program, Lead Technical Support at a successful startup. translator at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
e. Definition of success:
- Work with Emurgo to be authorized for adding new language
- Establish a channel to exchange schedules and update results
- Implemented on Testnest
- Update if necessary
- Evaluate the outcomes
- Apply for approval to implement on Mainnet
-A strings.xml for Vietnamese localization for Android.
-A string.xml file for Vietnamese localization for IoS
- Maintain communication channel with Emurgo, keep update releases within 1 year
Tentative Launch date: 1-Oct-2021
f. Use of Funds
- Getting Emurgo Support and approval: 0.5k
- Translating cost: 1,5k$
- Testing and Evaluating: 1k$
- Keep update releases in 1 year: 1k$
  Total: 4K
Hieu and I are SPOs and we have been working on localization and translation for many projects in Hewlett Packard and other's academies