Last updated 2 years ago
Lots of dev time is spent on boilerplate code for off-chain data persistence. Even if a project ships, developing in their ecosystem is hard
Schema generated business domain model w/native temporal state management in the Logosphere L2 sidechain backed by FlureeDB + [HACKATHONS]
This is the total amount allocated to Logosphere - dApp Hackathons.
Schema generated business domain model w/native temporal state management in the Logosphere L2 sidechain backed by FlureeDB + [HACKATHONS]
Michael Yagi: ex-Tableau
Dmitri Safine: ex-Amazon
Manik Jain: ex - Tata Consulting
+ 2 Sr. Software Engineers, ex - Fortune 500 companies
This proposal is part of Logosphere ( - a Layer 2 metadata side-chain backed by Fluree - an open source decentralized semantic graph database; the initial proposal for which has been funded in Fund 5.
Problem Statement (continued):
Technical Problem:
If you've been a Java or Full Stack developer for a while, you definitely should have encountered various data persistence frameworks, such as Hybernate or Sequelize? If yes, then you should be familiar with the problem they are solving: to make sure that you work with higher level business entities when developing your application, and not spend too much of your valuable time manually crafting SQL queries, transaction statements or stored procedures directly against the database. However, these solutions are typically for relational databases and are centralized.
That is where Fluree, a semantic graph database, is perfect for, but there is a bit of a learning curve to understand all the concepts and start using it in your application. We'd like to facilitate Fluree adoption for you by creating a business model generator that will scaffold a dApp project customized to your business domain - we are calling it Logosphere.
Additionally, you can only interact with the data layer through one direction - traditional APIs / endpoints. You cannot interface with it through the other direction which is the smart contract.
The other part of the problem arises as the Ecosystem Problem:
Even if a project manages to deliver, it can be hard to incentivize developers to try using your product or platform. Growing adoption and awareness of your tool is paramount to collecting feedback and improving your platform. As it stands, there is no guarantee that developers will give what you've been working on a shot.
Describe your solution to the problem (continued):
Technical Solution:
A Developer Flow will be condensed into:
Doable? We believe yes! (To tell you the secret, we've been already actively working on a product which will serve as a prototype to the logosphere ecosystem!)
Ecosystem Solution:
We've been working hard the last several months on our solution and using it in our internal product, and once we wrap it up, we will be opening the doors for all to join our two Hackathons for $25,000 in prizes:
More hackathon details will be released via our socials and through catalyst channels as we develop the schedule and format. Stay tuned for details! Note: team members will be allowed to participate, but exempt from winning any of the awards.
High-level Deliverables (see defining success below)
Relevant Experience (continued):
Ikigai Team:
Michael Yagi: CEO of Ikigai Technologies. Former Senior Software Engineer @ Tableau with experience facilitating integration between different technologies across many different facets in a smooth, seamless fashion. His interest lies in building the bridge between the ocean and the pond (Cardano and "traditional" software engineering).
Dmitri Safine: CTO at Ikigai Technologies: ex-Amazon, previously senior solutions architect with experience in Cloud architecture, Data engineering, R&D and prototyping in Big data and analytics space. He has built numerous data lakes, ETL pipelines, multidimensional cubes and data analysis applications, and is passionate about identifying emerging technologies and composing them into cohesive scalable solutions that solve problems.
Chris Chung: COO at Ikigai Technologies, Executive at Coding Dojo, President of C2 Marketing Solutions and Advisor to multiple start-up companies; Chris comes with an array of knowledge ranging from marketing (his original area of expertise) to business operations. Chris has been featured in 425 Business Magazine and Millennial Magazine for his business accolades and accomplishments.
Manik Jain: Blockchain Developer at Ikigai Technologies. Certified Blockchain Developer with 8 years of Full-stack development experience in Fin-Tech while working globally. As part of the capstone project at Blockchain Development program, Manik had developed a prototype that integrates Cardano & Fluree blockchains to use Cardano provided private-public key pairs to sign and verify Fluree DB transactions. His proposal for Digital Self Sovereign Digital Identity tokens being issued "privately" on the public Ethereum blockchain was highly appreciated by Blockchain Research Institute, Canada and KPMG, Canada. He's been an active contributor to Open-Zeppelin, that aims to provide standards for Ethereum Smart Contracts; and NFT.Storage that works on top of IPFS for decentralized data storage. Additionally, he has worked for a Canadian Blockchain startup, Eukapay, that aims to accept crypto payments for FIAT CAD. He also has been involved with a real-estate blockchain project based in the US to set up their ICO.
Taylor Yoon: VP of Engineering at Ikigai Technologies. Former Senior Software Engineer @ Tableau, Taylor has been a part of several projects and an expert on full-stack technologies. Taylor is integrating the technology into our dApp and make sure all libraries and APIs are not just functional, but practical and useable for all types of engineers.
[In Progress] Lead Software Engineer: The team is in progress of signing stages of another Lead Software Engineer at a Fortune 200 company with an extensive background in functional programming as well as developing databases.
Ikigai Partners:
Fluree: With our recent partnership with Fluree (, we have will work with a team of 17 professionals that will be assisting with development and advisory in various capacities.
Defining Success:
1 month in:
• Hackathon model established and reward structure
• Begin community engagement as to how to participate in upcoming hackathon
3 months in:
• Development
• TypeScript library for API
• Documentation
• Logosphere API Hackathon
• Numerous interesting dApps created
• Library downloads
• Strong community engagement
• Organized and smooth hackathon coordination
• Training materials (documentation + videos)
• Constructive community feedback of API
• Happy developers whether they received prize money or not
6 months in:
• Continued Development
• Haskell Plutus library for Logosphere
• Addressing community feedback and API improvements
• Engage community about upcoming Logosphere Smart Contracts Hackathon
• Continue collecting API feedback and library adoption/interest
9 months in:
• Continued Development
• Marlowe TypeScript library
• Logosphere Smart Contracts Hackathon
• Improved dApps and added functionality
• Increased library downloads
• Strong community engagement
• Organized and smooth hackathon coordination
• Training materials (documentation + videos)
• Constructive community feedback of API
• Happy developers whether they received prize money or not
12+ months in:
• API improvements
• Continue collecting API feedback and library adoption/interest
Public Launch Date: July 2022
Budget Breakdown:
Development: ($70,000)
The team has quit their jobs and since founded to pursue their passion of developing decentralized technologies on Cardano and Fluree and have been working hard the past few months. While we are mostly self-funded and special thanks to Catalyst community for our Fund5 proposal funded (Graph DB Sidechain with Fluree), development cost is expensive! We are in the process of bringing on a lead software engineer to help with this effort to continue the great work that Fluree recognized us for which lead to an official partnership :)
Hackathon: ($27,500)
While there is still more to be built, we are proud of what we have been working on and are eager to get it out there to the community and see what everyone comes up with. In order to facilitate a smooth and successful hackathon, we are making sure to reserve funds for prizes and perhaps even more importantly, creating good documentation, support, and organization for a fun experience for the community!
Floating: ($2,500)
While we like to think we have most of our cases covered, there's no harm in reserving a small floating pool in case of a rainy day. If we ship without touching these funds, they will go back to the community in the form of hackathon reward money.
Total: ($100,000)
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Michael Yagi: ex-Tableau
Dmitri Safine: ex-Amazon
Manik Jain: ex - Tata Consulting
+ 2 Sr. Software Engineers, ex - Fortune 500 companies