Last updated 3 years ago
Proposers are discouraged to work on small ideas and improvements using the current Project Catalyst funding model
Create faster alternative funding process for proposals with smaller financial request
This is the total amount allocated to Treasury for Mini-Proposals.
Create faster alternative funding process for proposals with smaller financial request
Project manager, Product Manager, Project Developer, and Analyst
This is a Catalyst improvement proposal to encourage entrepreneurs to create smaller proposals.
We introduce proposers to a new process where we can go through the funding process faster compared to the Catalyst process. Upon entering into the process you are introduced to the Mini-Proposal model which guides your journey to create a valid proposal. We will be having several workshops and events to improve and share our work in an open environment. At the end of the funding cycle, the best proposals will get immediately funded. Even if you don't get funded you will be finishing with a great proposal.
Funding Cycle
Each funding cycle lasts 5 weeks.
Then there is 3 week period where we will improve our processes before we start another Cycle
Which mini-proposal gets funded is decided by community members who join the Chainvote application.
First funding cycle voting model: 1 person 1 vote.
After seeing the result of the first cycle we have the option collectively to improve the voting method.
The proposals will also be uploaded in the Ideascale. This will create a feedback loop between the participants of the mini-proposal ecosystem and the rest of the Cardano voting community.
If as a collective we fund a proposal and the same proposal also wins in Ideascale then the money returns back to the mini proposal treasury to start new funding cycles.
If Ideascale proposal gets funded while as a collective we did not fund it, then the funds will go directly to the proposer.
Our goals
- Funded proposals deliver with the solution were provided on the proposal
- Proposals funded through this process will also get funded through the Ideascale process
Measurements we track and want to reach
How many mini-proposals are created and go through this process? Goal to get over 30
How many proposers do we reach? Goal to get over 10
How many people vote on proposals? Goal to get over 40
How much is left in treasury? Goal to get enough returns to provide the 4th funding cycle
How much of the treasury comes back? Goal to get back 60% of pre-funded proposals
How many funded proposals are executed? Goal to see 100% of funded proposals to be executed on
How many non-funded proposals are executed? Goal to see over 6% non funded proposals to be executed on
How many developers work on these funded mini-proposals?
Some proposals might require developers, goal to see a third of the proposals attracting developers to help deliver the solution.
Hourly operation estimations for high-level work examples
Total operation time spent - 1359 hours
Project manager - 192h (8h per week)
Makes sure all the tasks are being worked on. If not then does themselves or looks for the person who can do the task
Community Manager - 96h (4 hours per week)
Proposer Engagement - Finds users who willing to work for the funds
Community Manager - 96h (4 hours per week)
Community Engagement - Builds strong community to effectively filter proposals that should get funded
Project Coordinator - 75h (5 hours per guide theme)
Creates user guides and explains the process
Product Manager - 36h (4-hour checks on 3 stages each cycle)
Regular security checks and proving that the application is behaving as intended.
Product Manager - 384h (16 hours per week)
Adds new features to products from security improvements to user experience changes
Project Developer - 384h (16 hours per week)
Someone who can explain and improves the process and operations to all the involved parties
Content Manager - 72h (3 hours per week)
Updates and improves the data flows and storage
Analyst - 24h (12h to make initial reports, 4h per cycle to improve and expand on them)
Creates metrics and provides analytical results
Cost calculation for proposal
1359 total hours * 18$ average hourly rate * 1.2 buffer + 30000$ treasury = 59354 $
Governance with community
After seeing the result of the first cycle we have the option to collectively improve the voting method.
I am looking forward to starting the process parallel with Fund 7
Voting tool
Chainvote is a voting application built on hyperledger, if this experiment is successful we will be building the bridge to the Cardano network.
Related proposals:
Mini-Proposal as a Service:
Project manager, Product Manager, Project Developer, and Analyst