Last updated 3 years ago
Charles Hoskinson is sick of scams harming Cardano ADA, he wants a proactive group to find ways to stop them for all stakeholders
Establish a network of people to identify & stop scams wherever they appear in the world through direct action with social media & owners
This is the total amount allocated to A.S.T.O.P. - Stop Scams & Threats.
Establish a network of people to identify & stop scams wherever they appear in the world through direct action with social media & owners
43 Years in business & 23 years online
Thank you for reading this proposal,
A.S.T.O.P. - Anti Scam Threat Online Police
Charles Hoskinson has recently expressed his exasperation with scammers & conmen who are offering to "multiply your ADA" and he suggested that there should be some policing of this matter to stop the scammers and to monitor the online space.
Watch this video to hear what he said about stopping Scams:
Part Transcript --------------------------------
In the event that certain companies are negligent in my view YouTube is highly negligent because of the giveaway scams that we continue to see so those of you who are in law enforcement and you're finally looking for something to do in cardano highly encourage you to start talking to each other form some groups, and really have a real dialogue, and go to catalyst and request some funds for fund six or fund seven specifically to start something to help the community in this respect it can be the development of bespoke software it can be the development of educational materials it could be things that can educate help law enforcement conduct investigations it can be all kinds of things that in your view as law enforcement experts could somehow assist mitigate or prevent scams from occurring inside the ecosystem. If you guys are willing to do that we can commit resources in two ways, several people that are on my security detail are former law enforcement I can certainly commit their time to assist in whatever group is formed, we also have cyber security experts at our firm, we can certainly commit some of their time there, and we also can commit money. So if you guys do something on catalyst and it gets approved, I will give matching funds to that ,up to a million dollars, depending upon how much you ask for to ensure that there's something there…..,
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Initial Framework for Policing Scams & Threats
I believe that this requirement is in context with threats to the overall system and the damage done to the reputation.
I have created this acronym (ASTOP) & title for an activity that I believe should be included in our war rooms and with support from an extended network of people around the world.
These scams do not only happen in English, therefore we will need people around the world to spot these scams in other languages as they happen and report them to one or more central points for further action.
I will start by saying that this is an idea for a framework that will need to be built upon by lots of people around the world, many of whom will have skills I do not have. I am happy to work with other groups & organisations, input ideas to others or simply put this proposal out there for others to implement.
Bug Bounty Program
I am aware of the HackerOne bounty program for Cardano Launched in August, learn more here:, if I understand this properly they are incentivising to identification of bugs in the existing live blockchain and the live eco-system.
Disaster when all is at stake
If I understand this challenge correctly it is looking for ideas for the recovery of the Blockchain and to pro-actively identify potential problems before they go live (happy to be corrected in the comments).
Shadow Cardano
My proposal is to create one or more mirror, or shadow, Cardano blockchains, updated in real-time, that can run as "virtual eco-systems" where all types of tests can be carried out and scenarios tried with proposed or imagined applications.
Backup & Restore
One or more of these copies can be held in reserve as backup versions of the entire Cardano Blockchain, a procedure to shutdown and restore the blockchain to be ready in case of a catastrophic event.
Why call it a "War Room"?
If you speak to any government they will quickly confirm that cyber warfare is a real and present danger, to protect Cardano we need to proactively engage with the digital enemies and take the fight to them before they can learning enough to damage our digital assets.
Only by having the correct mindset, which a war footing demands, will cyber threats and hackers be put on their back foot and be working more in a defensive fashion than an offensive fashion.
Location, Location, Location!
The Cardano eco-system must be monitored from more than one location, ideally from each continent and covering the most popular languages on that continent. Software must be developed to show everything being added to the blockchain in real time. It would be ideal to have a process where new applications submitted a notice to the war room so that potential threats could be headed off, although due to the decentralised nature of the blockchain this is something that needs to be discussed.
Build a knowledge base
A database would be built up of all known or imagined threats, a bounty system can be expanded for ideas, operatives would stress test everything and quarantine potential threats or risks until clarified. Staying decentralised, final actions to be voted on for further action, unless it is a recognised threat or something potentially critical.
The wild west
I think that we should be taking a frontier type mentality are so much in the digital space is unknown or unknowable until we see it appear before us. The basic system I am envisaging can be outlined with these colourful titles:
Sheriff - the sheriff would be a person in a management position who would have the final say on action to be taken against a scammer or a threat that has been reported via the deputies.
Deputy - A deputy would be a person attached to, or working inside a war room who would be the first point of contact and who would analyse the scam or threat to create a report to be submitted to the sheriff for urgent and immediate action.
Bounty hunter - a bounty hunter would be a recognised individual or group of individuals who would be known to the war room and would work remotely seeking out scams and threats in the system, parts of the war rooms task would be to develop tools such as bots to identify anomalies, keywords and key phrases. The bounty hunters would also focus on certain countries and jurisdiction where scams and threats were found to be prevalent.
Gunslinger - Once a course of action has been decided upon, and the maximum intelligence has been gathered about the scammer or threat, the gunslinger would be a protected individual that would take the necessary action to close down the scam or threat. These gunslingers need to be protected individuals to ensure there were no repercussions or reprisals.
And other parts of the war room's roll will be to develop close connections with all of the various platforms at management level in order to effectively close down scams once they have been identified.
Example Scams
I have personally noted give away ADA scams on telegram in the last seven days, I have used the available reporting facility to report each of these scams, the first one seems to have disappeared but the second one is still carrying on. I have also attempted to put posts with links to Charles Hoskinson's videos onto these channels but of course they are removed instantly by some type of bot, the other proactive way would be to find ways to contact the members of these sites to give them warnings and particularly the warning given by Charles Hoskinson "we do not give away ADA".
These are the scam channels:
"ADA Cardano Official" 1592 Members (Seems to be stopped)
28/08/21 Reported: Cardano do not give away ADA Tokens
"Cardano Official Commuinty" 765 Members (was still operating 01/09/21)
Link: https:// Cardanotoken5
28/08/21 Reported: Cardano do not give away ADA Tokens
Thank you for reading our proposal, looking forward to responding to any queries.
Best wishes,
Carl Henry
To be Powered By:
Carl Henry Linkedin:
Road Map Overview
This project is ready for immediate launch, long term funding will be by proposals to Fund 7 & 8, also by launching the "CHG" Cardano native Token.
Cardano Native Token Created "CHG"
3 Month Roadmap
Create initial team to run & build ASTOP
Setup social media & website for ASTOP
Establish links with the management of all social media.
Negotiate to raise the problem with social media and reach agreements of action(s) & protocols.
Reach out to the community with information and recommended actions regarding stopping scams & threats.
Reach out to people with skills to create software solutions to scams & threats.
Reach out to establish war rooms to cover specific geographic areas and languages.
Start building a database & intelligence gathering of known bad-actors and work to identify them, tracing funds, wallets.
6 Month Roadmap
Offer to work with other high profile individuals and businesses to protect them and create information sharing protocols.
Continue to develop software solutions to root out and attack scammers.
12 Month Roadmap
This will be an on-going and ever present threat that needs constant vigilance and effort, particularly as cryptocurrencies are adopted increasingly around the world.
Social Media - Carl Henry Global
Cardano IdeaScale - 27 Insights & 10 Projects Submitted
Carl Henry Global is committed to working with the Cardano Ecosystem and working to improve it, if you would like to see our other submissions please visit our profile:
Budget Line Items
$3,000.00 Website to educate people and expose scams
$5,000.00 Administration, data entry & Research
$2,000.00 Translations
$4,000.00 Outreach, Marketing & social media costs
$6,000.00 Anti scam developers
43 Years in business & 23 years online