Last updated 10 months ago
Vietnamese stakeholders have difficulties to read, understand and evaluate submitted proposals in project Catalyst.
Building a simple toolkit to offer the Vietnamese community an inclusive service to read, understand and evaluate submitted proposals.
This is the total amount allocated to 2Min Review.
Building a simple toolkit to offer the Vietnamese community an inclusive service to read, understand and evaluate submitted proposals.
Over the years, I have reviewed hundreds of cryptocurrency projects, and reviewed more than 500 submitted proposals of Catalyst.
Problems statement
Vietnamese stakeholders have difficulties to read, understand and evaluate submitted proposals in project Catalyst.
They also do not know how to determine by 3 criteria: Impact, Feasibility, Audibility.
Building an easy to use toolkit based on Google sheet to offer the Vietnamese community an inclusive service to read, understand and evaluate submitted proposals in project catalyst.
Users can make a copy of the toolkit and start to evaluate.
Founder: Duc Tiger
Key members:
We started to build, grow and maintain a Vietnamese Cardano community 4 years ago, here in Vietnam. Currently our social channels (Telegram and Facebook) include and inform more than 4000 Vietnamese community members about cardano and catalyst related news and content. One of our main goals is to include the Vietnamese community into project catalyst and to become part of a diverse and global community. Some very first steps in regard to including Vietnamese stakeholders in project catalyst, is to offer some easy tools with which the Vietnamese community can be included in the catalyst process.
One of these tools is presented in this proposal and we hope to get your support for our mission. providing tools and access to Vietnamese people to the Cardano ecosystem.
Rounds of review
To evaluate submitted proposals in project Catalyst, the process includes 2 separate stages: 2MIN and DETAIL. Each stage consists a different goal.
Stage 1: 2MIN review
Everyone can review the proposals within 2 minutes to determine if the proposals are ready to run or not. A proposal that should be funded is:
The team members are
The Vietnamese Catalyst voting community will evaluate all proposals on based on 3 criteria:
This round does not require a profound knowledge about blockchain and cryptocurrencies nor a high level of English language skills. The main task focus on the proof of following criteria:
Does the Proposal owner(s)
Stage 2: DETAIL review
Vietnamese Community advisors will evaluate the proposals which gain more than 3 scores in the 2MIN review stage based on 5 criteria:
Reward for CAs
What is EP score?
EP means experience power score, the proof of
Used as a parameter to calculate 2MIN average score and DETAIL average score.
Based on the reliability assessments of the 2MIN round.
Each of your Primary scores that deviate by less than 30% from the Detailed Score Average is considered a reliable assessment.
For example: A proposal with an average score of 2MIN stage equals 3. If your 2MIN score between 2.1 and 3.9, then you get 1 reliable assessment.
EP levels:
What is AR score?
AR means activity result score
Used as a parameter to calculate reward for CAs, vCAs. And to allocate personnel to specialized positions.
Based on the activities of members. Each activity below might get 1 AR score:
Vina CAs team started a first pilot in Catalyst Fund 5 (without the Detail round) and improved the process and design of the 2MIN review round with 30+ participants which assessed submitted proposals. See the report sheet
Also, we have helped hundred voters to vote in fund5.
What will we do next time?
*In 3 next months:
*In 6 next months
*In 12 next months
Total request: 12.000$
Key metrics
This project is impactful. It encourages thousands investors to reach the Cardano ecosystem and to participate in decision making.
This project is feasibility. Because we have successful tested 2 last funds.
This project is audibility. All assessments will be updated real-time in a Google sheet file named "Fund6-Hub" during ASSESS and GOVERNANCE phase of fund 6 and fund 7
Now we are ready to start Fund6 with more people experience and ideas to become an active part of the global Catalyst community.
So, please VOTE for this proposal to help more people know about what Cardano ecosytem is.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Over the years, I have reviewed hundreds of cryptocurrency projects, and reviewed more than 500 submitted proposals of Catalyst.