Last updated 3 years ago
Thousands of small businesses and organizations are certifying skills and knowledge in the analog world. How can we onboard them to Cardano?
A generic whitelabel open source certification software allows companies to explore the possibilities of certifications on Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Generic certification solution.
A generic whitelabel open source certification software allows companies to explore the possibilities of certifications on Cardano.
Björn Sandmann: 8+ years of full stack development with the .net Stack. Focused on traditional business problems and SaaS solutions on Azure
A hosted open-source software where everybody can issue and claim certificates. Simple sign up with your organization and create the certificates based on existing requirements and invite others to claim that certificate.
The service consists of an API and a white-label frontend every organization can brand to it own needs.
Trust in proven ability, safe products or verified compliance with certain requirements is an important building block of an evolving society. In the industrialized nations, everything is now certified: Buildings, products, machines, tools, but above all educational programs: Participation in training, passing exams, and having certain skills or knowledge. From a university degree to a yoga class around the next corner.
These certificates are awarded by an almost infinite number of large and small companies or public institutions. These institutions all have their own lists of requirements, processes, and complex certificate structures: sometimes it is a snapshot of a certain level of requirements that is valid for life, sometimes they expire after a certain time and require recertifications. In other cases, a series of selectable basic certificates must first be earned before the final certificate is issued automatically. The processes involved are as varied as the companies and organizations themselves.
Instead of a specific solution for a certain group of interested parties, this is a proposal for a generic solution with the following features:
Show us the money
This sums up to 83,200 USD. As a professional software developer this isn't attractive to pursue considering the classic under-estimation problems of software development. For a community – on the other hand – it is a lot to ask for, and I believe it is even too much. Therefor, I would take 40% of the estimated costs from my on pocket, being a community project from which we all would profit in the long term. This way the requested amount is reduced to 49,920 USD
Getting on the road
Within 3 months after project start (directly after funding)
Within 6 months after project start
Within 12 months
Defining success
Technical implementation
.Net core, VUE, Azure; Plutus; DID integration depending on SDK available
Reference of recent projects:
It is important to have a hands-on example where interested parties and companies can easily explore and establish their existing certification business on the blockchain. In the long term, this will work as a catalyst for further developments and increases the chance that companies will consider actually taking these certifications into operation – and therefor increase the real-world usages of DIDs.
Björn Sandmann: 8+ years of full stack development with the .net Stack. Focused on traditional business problems and SaaS solutions on Azure