Last updated 3 years ago
How can we create a positive developer experience that helps the developer focus on building successful apps?
This is the total amount allocated to Developer ecosystem.
Creating an awesome experience that incentives developers, will lead to increased developer adoption, productivity, and creativity.
Liveliness. Happy energized developers making money and achieving their goals, mutual help, collaboration, and a shared feeling of success.
At the end of this challenge, we will be asking ourselves: Did we manage to make it easier for developers to build on top of Cardano?
How success looks like
Liveliness. Happy energized developers making money and achieving their goals, mutual help, collaboration, and a shared feeling of success. A feeling of unexpected innovation happening "on it's own". A wide variety of resources are provided for developers allowing them to focus on business value they can generate and not on infrastructure
Cardano has a thriving ecosystem of infrastructure companies that don't need to be subsidized by grants and are able to scale their businesses by monetizing the services that they provide. They are attracting developers to the ecosystem and educating them on how to build applications.
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