Last updated 3 years ago
Can we encourage discussion regarding governance, that will result in changes to the funding process prior to the release of Voltaire?
This is the total amount allocated to Governance Parameter Ideation.
Well-detailed flaws have already been identified with the proposal process, and distribution of funds, yet the design seems fixed
There is a publicly available backlog of changes to the Catalyst process with a timeline, or at the very least scoped and prioritized
Provide a budget for the community to imagine a better Ideascale, without affecting the existing governance parameters of Catalyst, exposing the dependent variables, and otherwise improving the user experience.
This proposal seeks to scope the problem, paving the way to introduce Voltaire to the community, which should lead to design a mutually beneficial channel of engagement and optimal process between parties responsible for the governance parameters and the community being governed by them prior to the full Voltaire experience.
The existing governance parameters, as designed into Ideascale, inclusive of community engagement in Townhalls, leading to ADA wallet based voting apps, as well as any other factors that effect the process of funding should all be made available by the team that defined them. This budget should not seek to re-imagine, but evolve on the existing process.