Last updated 3 years ago
What solutions can we build on Cardano to finance social and environmental innovation?
This is the total amount allocated to Grow Social & Environmental Finance.
To address the climate emergency and the associated economic challenges, we need to build resilient financial solutions for driving change.
Impact investors, NGOs, and grassroots communities make Cardano the default choice to help transparently deliver the greatest impact.
At the end of this challenge, we will be asking ourselves some guiding questions about the quality of developed solutions:
At the moment there are very few usage metrics addressing Social & Environmental Finance (SoFi) scenarios. A proposal could seek to improve that! This challenge, therefore, will determine uptake, by adopting some metrics from Decentralised Finance (DeFi) markets as a guide.
We will also be asking some specific questions about the proposals.
This challenge is about the small ways we can spark a fire under impact investing using the Cardano ecosystem.
Impact investments are made with the intention to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside financial returns. While a variety of projects push for the adoption of DeFi on Cardano, can we bring to market the potential of DeFi mechanisms as a vehicle for social good?
Delivering an outcome that has an impact is a lot harder than just delivering a financial Return-on-Investment, even a small one. Impact investing (according to the World Economic Forum) is hindered by:
Propose market solutions, financial mechanisms, or means of measuring impact. Think about how these can be deployed at scale to affect positively millions of people. Think about how the results of your proposal can be embedded or reused in different market contexts, or integrated with existing providers.
Igniting impact investment on Cardano will provide capital to address the world's most pressing challenges in sectors such as sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, conservation, microfinance, and affordable and accessible basic services including housing, healthcare, and education.
To achieve impact requires cooperation and collaboration, something Cardano can enable. Could the answer to better managing the world's resources lie not in government or big investors but instead in technologies that empower peer-to-peer assistance. Community-based finance or data-driven crowdfunding for instance. How can we leverage the awesome power of the Cardano ecosystem to be that catalyst?
Challenge Team
This proposal can and should be a challenge team proposal. Unfortunately, the proposer's have not had time to form a challenge team before the proposal goes into review. If possible, we intend to help form that team before voting commences.
The role of Challenge Teams is to steward the challenges in Catalyst - to present the challenge, track the progress, and report back to the community their perspective on whether the challenges were addressed.
If you are interested in being part of that team, please let us know in the comments.