Last updated 3 years ago
Can the Cardano community identify, research and promote valuable use-cases for 5 small ~100k underdeveloped, uniquely challenged countries?
This is the total amount allocated to Help Small Countries Adopt Cardano.
Cardano is criticised most for having few use cases. The IOG team can not find & promote every one. The community must engage its resources
Proposers identify use-cases for a specific country. Identify & contact decision-makers. Prepare and present a pitch and implementation plan
- Value of use-case to country
- Extensibility to other countries
- Degree of engagement with decision-makers
- Response of decision-makers to pitch, presentation and implementation plan
- Next steps achieved.
"Rationale for the Challenge"
Critical mass and first mover advantages can come both in the number of individuals adopting the Cardano and the number of use-case implementations, irrespective of the numbers of adoptions.
Small and underdeveloped countries or even sub-units (social groups) recognise their problems and needs. They lack solutions. Tailor-made applications / use-cases, based on sensible implementations of the Cardano protocol can answer some of those needs.
This challenge attempts to fund their efforts to identify needs, scope out tailor made use-cases and begin the proposal implementation process.
Utility, Growth and Adoption, Sustainability and Competitiveness/Fitness are the four KPI's for the Cardano Return on Intention.
Other blockchains have a head start in this space. A small team has implemented a national currency built on Algorand for the Republic of the Marshall Islands. A small island nation, the Marshall Islands has already adopted an Algorand-based National Currency. Promoted by a three man team (sfb tech) without any special experience in blockchain. The story is described online. (Search: How SOV came to Marshall Islands)"
There are many other small countries that can adopt the Cardano blockchain.There are different and better models than the one adopted by the Marshall Islands. Let's get moving. Let's keep Cardano competitive.
This challenge targets and hopes to fund up to 5 proposals. Each to be funded at a budget of up to $100,000 with disbursements being pre-approved. Funds will be disbursed based on cost of developing and travel necessary to achieve the Key Metrics noted above. The funding and auditing mechanism will be described at a later point in the challenge process. Unallocated funds will remain in the treasury.
Comments and ideas are welcome.
Challenge Team members having some experience in their general space are welcome. Please connect by DM.
Successful proposals will be selected by the voting community.
"Growth and Adoption"
Cardano is most often criticised for having few use cases. A "Build it and they will come" mindset is not the best path growth and adoption.
The Cardano community is large, growing and filled with unknown and untapped resources.
This challenge seeks to call out those who have ideas, are resourceful, energetic and perhaps know someone or know someone who knows someone who is a decision maker. Or an influencer in small resource constrained or underdeveloped countries.